#! /bin/bash ### Get traditional ubuntu-driver list UBUNTU_DRIVERS="$(ubuntu-drivers list | grep -vi -server)" ### Check if the amdgpu module is loaded ### advanced micro devices graphics cards with "radeon" module only do not support the additional drivers if inxi -G | grep " loaded" | grep "amdgpu" &> /dev/null then AMDGPU_DRIVERS="$(echo -e "pika-rocm-meta\nvulkan-amdgpu-pro\namf-amdgpu-pro\namdvlk\nopencl-legacy-amdgpu-pro-icd\namdgpu-pro-oglp")" fi ### Check for xbox equipment if lsusb | grep -i xbox &> /dev/null then XONE_DRIVERS="$(echo -e "xone-dkms")" fi ### Merge all drivers together DRIVERS="$(printf "$UBUNTU_DRIVERS\n$AMDGPU_DRIVERS\n$XONE_DRIVERS")" ### If no drivers were found set them to random hash to trigger no drivers needed dialog in gui app if [[ -z $DRIVERS ]] then DRIVERS=emScuM8rsa6kuhMePtR5bT8s4z9s fi ### Print result echo $DRIVERS | tr " " "\n"