2024-02-14 18:32:01 +03:00
// Use libraries
use adw ::prelude ::* ;
use adw ::* ;
2024-02-17 00:21:09 +03:00
use glib ::* ;
2024-02-16 18:16:45 +03:00
use glob ::glob ;
2024-02-17 00:21:09 +03:00
/// Use all gtk4 libraries (gtk4 -> gtk because cargo)
/// Use all libadwaita libraries (libadwaita -> adw because cargo)
use gtk ::* ;
2024-02-14 18:32:01 +03:00
2024-02-20 18:11:38 +03:00
2024-02-18 20:28:14 +03:00
2024-02-14 18:32:01 +03:00
use crate ::automatic_partitioning ::automatic_partitioning ;
use crate ::install_page ::install_page ;
2024-02-17 00:21:09 +03:00
use crate ::manual_partitioning ::manual_partitioning ;
2024-02-14 18:32:01 +03:00
2024-02-20 18:11:38 +03:00
use std ::{ fs } ;
2024-02-14 18:32:01 +03:00
use std ::path ::Path ;
use std ::cell ::RefCell ;
use std ::rc ::Rc ;
2024-02-17 23:54:33 +03:00
use duct ::* ;
2024-02-19 20:44:10 +03:00
use crate ::manual_partitioning ;
2024-02-16 10:51:28 +03:00
use manual_partitioning ::DriveMount ;
2024-02-14 18:32:01 +03:00
2024-02-17 00:21:09 +03:00
pub fn partitioning_page (
2024-02-20 15:27:06 +03:00
partitioning_main_box : & gtk ::Box ,
2024-02-17 00:21:09 +03:00
done_main_box : & gtk ::Box ,
install_main_box : & gtk ::Box ,
content_stack : & gtk ::Stack ,
window : & adw ::ApplicationWindow ,
) {
2024-02-20 18:11:38 +03:00
2024-02-17 00:21:09 +03:00
let manual_drive_mount_array : Rc < RefCell < Vec < DriveMount > > > = Default ::default ( ) ;
2024-02-14 18:32:01 +03:00
// create the bottom box for next and back buttons
let bottom_box = gtk ::Box ::builder ( )
. orientation ( Orientation ::Horizontal )
. valign ( gtk ::Align ::End )
. vexpand ( true )
. build ( ) ;
// Next and back button
let bottom_back_button = gtk ::Button ::builder ( )
2024-02-20 18:11:38 +03:00
. label ( t! ( " back " ) )
2024-02-14 18:32:01 +03:00
. margin_top ( 15 )
. margin_bottom ( 15 )
. margin_start ( 15 )
. margin_end ( 15 )
. halign ( gtk ::Align ::Start )
. hexpand ( true )
. build ( ) ;
let bottom_next_button = gtk ::Button ::builder ( )
2024-02-20 18:11:38 +03:00
. label ( t! ( " next " ) )
2024-02-14 18:32:01 +03:00
. margin_top ( 15 )
. margin_bottom ( 15 )
. margin_start ( 15 )
. margin_end ( 15 )
. halign ( gtk ::Align ::End )
. hexpand ( true )
. sensitive ( false )
. build ( ) ;
// Start Applying css classes
bottom_next_button . add_css_class ( " suggested-action " ) ;
// / bottom_box appends
//// Add the next and back buttons
bottom_box . append ( & bottom_back_button ) ;
bottom_box . append ( & bottom_next_button ) ;
// the header box for the partitioning page
let partitioning_header_box = gtk ::Box ::builder ( )
. orientation ( Orientation ::Horizontal )
. build ( ) ;
// the header text for the partitioning page
let partitioning_header_text = gtk ::Label ::builder ( )
2024-02-20 18:11:38 +03:00
. label ( t! ( " choose_install_method " ) )
2024-02-14 18:32:01 +03:00
. halign ( gtk ::Align ::End )
. hexpand ( true )
. margin_top ( 15 )
. margin_bottom ( 15 )
. margin_start ( 15 )
. margin_end ( 5 )
. build ( ) ;
partitioning_header_text . add_css_class ( " header_sized_text " ) ;
// the header icon for the partitioning icon
let partitioning_header_icon = gtk ::Image ::builder ( )
. icon_name ( " media-floppy " )
. halign ( gtk ::Align ::Start )
. hexpand ( true )
. pixel_size ( 78 )
. margin_top ( 15 )
. margin_bottom ( 15 )
. margin_start ( 0 )
. margin_end ( 15 )
. build ( ) ;
// a stack for the 2 partitioning methods
let partitioning_stack = gtk ::Stack ::builder ( )
. transition_type ( StackTransitionType ::SlideLeftRight )
. build ( ) ;
let partitioning_method_main_box = gtk ::Box ::builder ( )
. orientation ( Orientation ::Vertical )
. build ( ) ;
// make partitioning selection box for choosing installation or live media
let partitioning_selection_box = gtk ::Box ::builder ( )
. orientation ( Orientation ::Horizontal )
. spacing ( 200 )
. build ( ) ;
let manual_method_button_content_box = gtk ::Box ::builder ( )
. orientation ( Orientation ::Vertical )
. margin_top ( 30 )
. margin_bottom ( 30 )
. build ( ) ;
let manual_method_button_content_image = gtk ::Image ::builder ( )
2024-02-18 21:30:41 +03:00
. icon_name ( " org.gnome.Settings " )
2024-02-14 18:32:01 +03:00
. pixel_size ( 128 )
. margin_top ( 15 )
. margin_bottom ( 15 )
. margin_start ( 15 )
. margin_end ( 15 )
. build ( ) ;
let manual_method_button_content_text = gtk ::Label ::builder ( )
2024-02-20 18:11:38 +03:00
. label ( t! ( " manual_partition_drive " ) )
2024-02-14 18:32:01 +03:00
. margin_top ( 0 )
. margin_bottom ( 15 )
. margin_start ( 15 )
. margin_end ( 15 )
. build ( ) ;
manual_method_button_content_text . add_css_class ( " medium_sized_text " ) ;
let automatic_method_button_content_box = gtk ::Box ::builder ( )
. orientation ( Orientation ::Vertical )
. margin_top ( 20 )
. margin_bottom ( 20 )
. margin_end ( 15 )
. margin_start ( 15 )
. build ( ) ;
let automatic_method_button_content_image = gtk ::Image ::builder ( )
2024-02-18 21:30:41 +03:00
. icon_name ( " builder " )
2024-02-14 18:32:01 +03:00
. pixel_size ( 128 )
. margin_top ( 15 )
. margin_bottom ( 15 )
. margin_start ( 15 )
. margin_end ( 15 )
. build ( ) ;
let automatic_method_button_content_text = gtk ::Label ::builder ( )
2024-02-20 18:11:38 +03:00
. label ( t! ( " auto_partition_drive " ) )
2024-02-14 18:32:01 +03:00
. margin_top ( 0 )
. margin_bottom ( 15 )
. margin_start ( 15 )
. margin_end ( 15 )
. build ( ) ;
automatic_method_button_content_text . add_css_class ( " medium_sized_text " ) ;
let manual_method_button = gtk ::Button ::builder ( )
. child ( & manual_method_button_content_box )
. vexpand ( true )
. hexpand ( true )
. halign ( gtk ::Align ::End )
. valign ( gtk ::Align ::Center )
. build ( ) ;
let automatic_method_button = gtk ::Button ::builder ( )
. child ( & automatic_method_button_content_box )
. vexpand ( true )
. hexpand ( true )
. halign ( gtk ::Align ::Start )
. valign ( gtk ::Align ::Center )
. build ( ) ;
// / manual_method_button_content_box appends
//// add image and text to the manual_method_button
manual_method_button_content_box . append ( & manual_method_button_content_image ) ;
manual_method_button_content_box . append ( & manual_method_button_content_text ) ;
// / automatic_method_button_content_box appends
//// add image and text to the automatic_method_button
automatic_method_button_content_box . append ( & automatic_method_button_content_image ) ;
automatic_method_button_content_box . append ( & automatic_method_button_content_text ) ;
// / partitioning_selection_box appends
//// add live and install media button to partitioning page selections
partitioning_selection_box . append ( & manual_method_button ) ;
partitioning_selection_box . append ( & automatic_method_button ) ;
// / partitioning_header_box appends
//// Add the partitioning page header text and icon
partitioning_header_box . append ( & partitioning_header_text ) ;
partitioning_header_box . append ( & partitioning_header_icon ) ;
partitioning_method_main_box . append ( & partitioning_header_box ) ;
partitioning_method_main_box . append ( & partitioning_selection_box ) ;
manual_method_button_content_box . append ( & manual_method_button_content_image ) ;
2024-02-17 00:21:09 +03:00
partitioning_stack . add_titled (
& partitioning_method_main_box ,
Some ( " partition_method_select_page " ) ,
" partition_method_select_page " ,
) ;
let partitioning_page_automatic_partitioning =
automatic_partitioning ( & partitioning_stack , & bottom_next_button ) ;
2024-02-19 20:44:10 +03:00
let partitioning_page_manual_partitioning = manual_partitioning (
2024-02-17 00:21:09 +03:00
& partitioning_stack ,
& bottom_next_button ,
& manual_drive_mount_array ,
) ;
2024-02-14 18:32:01 +03:00
// add everything to the main box
partitioning_main_box . append ( & partitioning_stack ) ;
partitioning_main_box . append ( & bottom_box ) ;
2024-02-16 10:51:28 +03:00
automatic_method_button . connect_clicked ( clone! ( @ weak partitioning_stack = > move | _ | partitioning_stack . set_visible_child_name ( " partition_method_automatic_page " ) ) ) ;
2024-02-14 18:32:01 +03:00
manual_method_button . connect_clicked ( clone! ( @ weak partitioning_stack = > move | _ | partitioning_stack . set_visible_child_name ( " partition_method_manual_page " ) ) ) ;
2024-02-17 00:21:09 +03:00
let partition_method_automatic_target_buffer_clone =
partitioning_page_automatic_partitioning . 0. clone ( ) ;
2024-02-14 18:32:01 +03:00
2024-02-17 00:21:09 +03:00
let partition_method_automatic_luks_buffer_clone =
partitioning_page_automatic_partitioning . 1. clone ( ) ;
2024-02-14 18:32:01 +03:00
bottom_next_button . connect_clicked ( clone! ( @ weak content_stack = > move | _ | {
content_stack . set_visible_child_name ( " install_page " )
} ) ) ;
bottom_back_button . connect_clicked ( clone! ( @ weak content_stack , @ weak partitioning_stack , @ weak partitioning_main_box , @ weak bottom_next_button = > move | _ | {
content_stack . set_visible_child_name ( " keyboard_page " ) ;
partitioning_stack . set_visible_child_name ( " partition_method_select_page " ) ;
bottom_next_button . set_sensitive ( false ) ;
2024-02-19 20:44:10 +03:00
partitioning_page_manual_partitioning . emit_clicked ( ) ;
2024-02-14 18:32:01 +03:00
} ) ) ;
2024-02-17 00:21:09 +03:00
bottom_next_button . connect_clicked ( clone! ( @ weak content_stack , @ weak partitioning_stack , @ weak install_main_box , @ weak window , @ weak done_main_box = > move | _ | {
2024-02-14 18:32:01 +03:00
if Path ::new ( " /tmp/pika-installer-gtk4-target-auto.txt " ) . exists ( ) {
fs ::remove_file ( " /tmp/pika-installer-gtk4-target-auto.txt " ) . expect ( " Bad permissions on /tmp/pika-installer-gtk4-target-auto.txt " ) ;
if Path ::new ( " /tmp/pika-installer-gtk4-target-manual.txt " ) . exists ( ) {
fs ::remove_file ( " /tmp/pika-installer-gtk4-target-manual.txt " ) . expect ( " Bad permissions on /tmp/pika-installer-gtk4-target-manual.txt " ) ;
if Path ::new ( " /tmp/pika-installer-gtk4-target-automatic-luks.txt " ) . exists ( ) {
fs ::remove_file ( " /tmp/pika-installer-gtk4-target-automatic-luks.txt " ) . expect ( " Bad permissions on /tmp/pika-installer-gtk4-target-manual.txt " ) ;
if Path ::new ( " /tmp/pika-installer-gtk4-target-manual-luks.txt " ) . exists ( ) {
fs ::remove_file ( " /tmp/pika-installer-gtk4-target-manual-luks.txt " ) . expect ( " Bad permissions on /tmp/pika-installer-gtk4-target-manual.txt " ) ;
2024-02-17 22:05:42 +03:00
if Path ::new ( " /tmp/pika-installer-gtk4-fail.txt " ) . exists ( ) {
2024-02-18 00:04:43 +03:00
let _ = cmd! ( " bash " , " -c " , " sudo rm -rfv /tmp/pika-installer-gtk4-fail.txt " ) . run ( ) ;
2024-02-17 22:05:42 +03:00
if Path ::new ( " /tmp/pika-installer-gtk4-successful.txt " ) . exists ( ) {
2024-02-18 00:04:43 +03:00
let _ = cmd! ( " bash " , " -c " , " sudo rm -rfv /tmp/pika-installer-gtk4-successful.txt " ) . run ( ) ;
2024-02-17 22:05:42 +03:00
2024-02-18 00:04:43 +03:00
for _status_file in glob ( " /tmp/pika-installer-gtk4-status* " ) . expect ( " Failed to read glob pattern " ) {
let _ = cmd! ( " bash " , " -c " , " sudo rm -rfv /tmp/pika-installer-gtk4-status* " ) . run ( ) ;
2024-02-17 22:05:42 +03:00
2024-02-16 18:16:45 +03:00
for partition_file in glob ( " /tmp/pika-installer-gtk4-target-manual-p* " ) . expect ( " Failed to read glob pattern " ) {
let partition_file = partition_file . unwrap ( ) ;
fs ::remove_file ( & partition_file ) . expect ( & partition_file . to_str ( ) . unwrap ( ) ) ;
2024-02-17 16:28:14 +03:00
for luks_file in glob ( " /tmp/pika-installer-gtk4-target-manual-luks-p* " ) . expect ( " Failed to read glob pattern " ) {
let luks_file = luks_file . unwrap ( ) ;
fs ::remove_file ( & luks_file ) . expect ( & luks_file . to_str ( ) . unwrap ( ) ) ;
2024-02-14 18:32:01 +03:00
if partitioning_stack . visible_child_name ( ) = = Some ( GString ::from_string_unchecked ( " partition_method_automatic_page " . into ( ) ) ) {
2024-02-16 16:25:56 +03:00
fs ::write ( " /tmp/pika-installer-gtk4-target-auto.txt " , partition_method_automatic_target_buffer_clone . text ( & partition_method_automatic_target_buffer_clone . bounds ( ) . 0 , & partition_method_automatic_target_buffer_clone . bounds ( ) . 1 , true ) . to_string ( ) ) . expect ( " Unable to write file " ) ;
let automatic_luks_result = partition_method_automatic_luks_buffer_clone . text ( & partition_method_automatic_luks_buffer_clone . bounds ( ) . 0 , & partition_method_automatic_luks_buffer_clone . bounds ( ) . 1 , true ) . to_string ( ) ;
if automatic_luks_result . is_empty ( ) {
} else {
2024-02-17 16:52:07 +03:00
let _ = fs ::write ( " /tmp/pika-installer-gtk4-target-automatic-luks.txt " , automatic_luks_result ) ;
2024-02-16 16:25:56 +03:00
2024-02-16 18:16:45 +03:00
install_page ( & done_main_box , & install_main_box , & content_stack , & window , & manual_drive_mount_array ) ;
2024-02-14 18:32:01 +03:00
content_stack . set_visible_child_name ( " install_page " ) ;
} else {
2024-02-16 18:16:45 +03:00
fs ::write ( " /tmp/pika-installer-gtk4-target-manual.txt " , " " ) . expect ( " Unable to write file " ) ;
install_page ( & done_main_box , & install_main_box , & content_stack , & window , & manual_drive_mount_array ) ;
2024-02-14 18:32:01 +03:00
content_stack . set_visible_child_name ( " install_page " ) ;
} ) ) ;