Add runtime locales, update urls, update scripts
Some checks failed
PikaOS Package Build & Release (amd64-v3) / build (push) Failing after 2m27s

This commit is contained in:
Ward from fusion-voyager-3 2024-08-31 04:19:47 +03:00
parent fb120f99ba
commit 3631846bb2
18 changed files with 76 additions and 32 deletions

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@ -1 +1 @@

.gitignore vendored Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1 @@

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@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ install:
mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)/usr/share/
mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)/usr/lib/pika/pika-welcome/scripts/
cp -rvf data/scripts/*.sh $(DESTDIR)/usr/lib/pika/pika-welcome/scripts/
cp -rvf locales /usr/lib/pika/pika-welcome/locales
chmod 755 $(DESTDIR)/usr/lib/pika/pika-welcome/scripts/*.sh
cp data/com.github.pikaos-linux.pikawelcome.gschema.xml $(DESTDIR)/usr/share/glib-2.0/schemas/
mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)/usr/share/applications

View File

@ -2,11 +2,11 @@
"contribute": [
"id": 0,
"title": "contribute-github-title",
"subtitle": "contribute-github-subtitle",
"icon": "pika-github",
"title": "contribute-gitea-title",
"subtitle": "contribute-gitea-subtitle",
"icon": "pika-gitea",
"button": "launch-label",
"command": "xdg-open"
"command": "xdg-open"
"id": 0,
@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
"subtitle": "translate-weblate-subtitle",
"icon": "pika-weblate",
"button": "launch-label",
"command": "xdg-open"
"command": "xdg-open"

View File

@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
"subtitle": "open-pika-gnome-layouts-subtitle",
"icon": "pika-desktop",
"button": "launch-label",
"onlyin": "pika",
"onlyin": "gnome",
"command": "/usr/bin/pika-gnome-layouts"
@ -24,7 +24,7 @@
"subtitle": "open-gnome-tweaks-subtitle",
"icon": "pika-applications-graphics",
"button": "launch-label",
"onlyin": "pika",
"onlyin": "gnome",
"command": "/usr/bin/gnome-tweaks"
@ -33,7 +33,7 @@
"subtitle": "open-gnome-extensions-subtitle",
"icon": "pika-application-x-addon",
"button": "launch-label",
"onlyin": "pika",
"onlyin": "gnome",
"command": "/usr/bin/extension-manager"

View File

@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
"subtitle": "open-pika-wiki-title-subtitle",
"icon": "pika-emblem-important",
"button": "launch-label",
"command": "zenity --error --text 'Coming Soon :('"
"command": "xdg-open"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
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Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 5.4 KiB

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@ -1,10 +1,8 @@
if echo $XDG_SESSION_DESKTOP | grep -i -E 'gnome|pika|ubuntu'
if [ -f /usr/bin/pikman-update-manager ]
gnome-software "$@"
elif echo $XDG_SESSION_DESKTOP | grep -i -E 'plasma|kde'
plasma-discover "$@"
zenity --error --text "$XDG_SESSION_DESKTOP does have a registered software-manager"

debian/changelog vendored
View File

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
pika-welcome (5.0.0-101pika1) pika; urgency=low
pika-welcome (5.0.0-101pika2) pika; urgency=low
* Port to PikaOS 4

debian/rules vendored
View File

@ -30,6 +30,7 @@ override_dh_auto_install:
mkdir -p debian/pika-welcome/usr/share/
mkdir -p debian/pika-welcome/usr/lib/pika/pika-welcome/scripts/
cp -rvf data/scripts/*.sh debian/pika-welcome/usr/lib/pika/pika-welcome/scripts/
cp -rvf locales /usr/lib/pika/pika-welcome/locales
chmod 755 debian/pika-welcome/usr/lib/pika/pika-welcome/scripts/*.sh
cp data/com.github.pikaos-linux.pikawelcome.gschema.xml debian/pika-welcome/usr/share/glib-2.0/schemas/
mkdir -p debian/pika-welcome/usr/share/applications

View File

@ -56,8 +56,8 @@
"open-gnome-tweaks-subtitle": "Отвори Gnome-tweaks.",
"open-gnome-extensions-title": "Добавяне на разширения към вашия работен плот",
"open-gnome-extensions-subtitle": "Отворете мениджъра за разширения на Gnome.",
"contribute-github-title": "Посетете нашето Github хранилище",
"contribute-github-subtitle": "Допринасяйте за кода или отваряйте заявки за проблеми в PikaOS Github.",
"contribute-gitea-title": "Посетете нашето Github хранилище",
"contribute-gitea-subtitle": "Допринасяйте за кода или отваряйте заявки за проблеми в PikaOS Github.",
"translate-weblate-title": "Посетете нашата Weblate страница",
"translate-weblate-subtitle": "Преведете приложенията ни на вашия език.",
"join-discord-title": "Присъединете се към нашия официален Discord",

View File

@ -56,8 +56,8 @@
"open-gnome-tweaks-subtitle": "Öffne Gnome-tweaks.",
"open-gnome-extensions-title": "Füge deinem Desktop Erweiterungen hinzu",
"open-gnome-extensions-subtitle": "Öffne den Gnome Erweiterungsmanager.",
"contribute-github-title": "Besuche unser Github Repository",
"contribute-github-subtitle": "Trage Code bei, öffne ein Problem oder erstelle eine Pull Anfrage an das PikaOS Github",
"contribute-gitea-title": "Besuche unser Github Repository",
"contribute-gitea-subtitle": "Trage Code bei, öffne ein Problem oder erstelle eine Pull Anfrage an das PikaOS Github",
"translate-weblate-title": "Besuche unsere Weblate-Seite",
"translate-weblate-subtitle": "Übersetze unsere Anwendungen in deine Sprache.",
"join-discord-title": "Tritt unserem offiziellen Discord bei",

View File

@ -56,8 +56,8 @@
"open-gnome-tweaks-subtitle": "Open gnome-tweaks.",
"open-gnome-extensions-title": "Add Extensions to your desktop",
"open-gnome-extensions-subtitle": "Open Gnome extension manager.",
"contribute-github-title": "Visit Our Github Repository",
"contribute-github-subtitle": "Contribute code or open issues and pull request to PikaOS Github.",
"contribute-gitea-title": "Visit Our Github Repository",
"contribute-gitea-subtitle": "Contribute code or open issues and pull request to PikaOS Github.",
"translate-weblate-title": "Visit Our Weblate Page",
"translate-weblate-subtitle": "Translate our Applications to your language.",
"join-discord-title": "Join Our Official Discord",

View File

@ -56,8 +56,8 @@
"open-gnome-tweaks-subtitle": "",
"open-gnome-extensions-title": "",
"open-gnome-extensions-subtitle": "",
"contribute-github-title": "",
"contribute-github-subtitle": "",
"contribute-gitea-title": "",
"contribute-gitea-subtitle": "",
"translate-weblate-title": "",
"translate-weblate-subtitle": "",
"join-discord-title": "",

View File

@ -56,8 +56,8 @@
"open-gnome-tweaks-subtitle": "",
"open-gnome-extensions-title": "",
"open-gnome-extensions-subtitle": "",
"contribute-github-title": "",
"contribute-github-subtitle": "",
"contribute-gitea-title": "",
"contribute-gitea-subtitle": "",
"translate-weblate-title": "",
"translate-weblate-subtitle": "",
"join-discord-title": "",

View File

@ -56,8 +56,8 @@
"open-gnome-tweaks-subtitle": "gnome-tweaks'ı aç",
"open-gnome-extensions-title": "Masaüstünüze eklentiler ekleyin",
"open-gnome-extensions-subtitle": "Gnome eklenti yöneticisini aç",
"contribute-github-title": "Github depomuzu ziyaret edin",
"contribute-github-subtitle": "PikaOS Github kodların katkı yapın veya sorunlar ve pull talebi açın.",
"contribute-gitea-title": "Github depomuzu ziyaret edin",
"contribute-gitea-subtitle": "PikaOS Github kodların katkı yapın veya sorunlar ve pull talebi açın.",
"translate-weblate-title": "Weblate sayfamızı ziyaret edin",
"translate-weblate-subtitle": "Uygulamalarımızı dilinize çevirin.",
"join-discord-title": "Resmî Discord sunucumuza katılın",

View File

@ -21,9 +21,44 @@ mod save_window_size;
mod welcome_content_page;
// Init translations for current crate.
use rust_i18n::Backend;
use std::collections::HashMap;
use std::fs;
pub struct I18nBackend {
trs: HashMap<String, HashMap<String, String>>,
impl I18nBackend {
fn new() -> Self {
let mut trs = HashMap::new();
let locales_dir = fs::read_dir("/usr/lib/pika/pika-welcome/locales").expect("No translation files found");
for locale_file in locales_dir {
let locale_file_path = locale_file.expect("couldn't change dir entry to path").path();
let locale = String::from(locale_file_path.file_name().unwrap().to_str().unwrap().trim_end_matches(".json"));
let locale_data = fs::read_to_string(locale_file_path).expect(format!("invalid json for {}", locale).as_str());
let locale_json = serde_json::from_str::<HashMap<String, String>>(&locale_data).unwrap();
trs.insert(locale.to_string(), locale_json);
return Self {
impl Backend for I18nBackend {
fn available_locales(&self) -> Vec<&str> {
return self.trs.keys().map(|k| k.as_str()).collect();
fn translate(&self, locale: &str, key: &str) -> Option<&str> {
return self.trs.get(locale)?.get(key).map(|k| k.as_str());
extern crate rust_i18n;
i18n!("locales", fallback = "en_US");
i18n!(fallback = "en_US", backend = I18nBackend::new());
/// main function
fn main() {