#!/usr/bin/env bash # This script allows changing the color of folders in Papirus icon theme # # @author: Sergei Eremenko (https://github.com/SmartFinn) # @license: MIT license (MIT) # @link: https://github.com/PapirusDevelopmentTeam/papirus-folders if test -z "$BASH_VERSION"; then printf "Error: this script only works in bash.\n" >&2 exit 1 fi if (( BASH_VERSINFO[0] * 10 + BASH_VERSINFO[1] < 40 )); then printf "Error: this script requires bash version >= 4.0\n" >&2 exit 1 fi # set -x # Uncomment to debug this shell script set -o errexit \ -o noclobber \ -o pipefail readonly THIS_SCRIPT="$(readlink -f "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")" readonly PROGNAME="$(basename "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")" readonly VERSION="1.12.0" readonly -a ARGS=("$@") msg() { printf "%s: %b\n" "$PROGNAME" "$*" } verbose() { [ -t 4 ] || return 0 msg "$@" >&4 } err() { msg "Error:" "$*" >&2 } _exit() { msg "$*" "Exiting ..." exit 0 } fatal() { err "$*" exit 1 } usage() { cat <<- EOF USAGE $ $PROGNAME [options] -t <theme> {-C --color} <color> $ $PROGNAME [options] -t <theme> {-D --default} $ $PROGNAME [options] -t <theme> {-R --restore} OPERATIONS -C --color <color> change color of folders -D --default back to the default color -R --restore restore the last used color from the config file OPTIONS -l --list show available colors -o --once do not save the changes to the config file -t --theme <theme> make changes to the specified theme (Default: Papirus) -u --update-caches update icon caches for Papirus and siblings -V --version print $PROGNAME version and exit -v --verbose be verbose -h --help show this help EOF exit "${1:-0}" } _is_root_user() { if [ "$(id -u)" -eq 0 ]; then return 0 fi return 1 } _is_user_dir() { [ -n "$USER_HOME" ] || return 1 # if $THEME_DIR is placed in home dir if [ -z "${THEME_DIR##"$USER_HOME"/*}" ]; then return 0 fi return 1 } _is_writable() { if [ -w "$THEME_DIR/48x48/places/folder.svg" ]; then return 0 fi return 1 } _is_valid_color() { local color="$1" eval "$(declare_colors)" for i in "${colors[@]}"; do [ "$i" == "$color" ] || continue return 0 done return 1 } declare_colors() { local color='' local -a colors=() local -a valid_colors=("adwaita" "black" "blue" "bluegrey" "breeze" "brown" "carmine" "cyan" "darkcyan" "deeporange" "green" "grey" "indigo" "magenta" "nordic" "orange" "palebrown" "paleorange" "pink" "purple" "red" "teal" "violet" "white" "yaru" "yellow") for color in "${valid_colors[@]}"; do if [ -e "$THEME_DIR/48x48/places/folder-$color.svg" ]; then colors=( "${colors[@]}" "$color" ) fi done # return array of colors declare -p colors } declare_current_color() { local icon_file icon_name current_color='' icon_file=$(readlink -f "$THEME_DIR/48x48/places/folder.svg") icon_name=$(basename "$icon_file" .svg) current_color="${icon_name##*-}" declare -p current_color } get_theme_dir() { local data_dir icons_dir local -a data_dirs=() local -a icons_dirs=( "$USER_HOME/.icons" "${XDG_DATA_HOME:-$USER_HOME/.local/share}/icons" ) # Get data directories from XDG_DATA_DIRS variable and # convert colon-separated list into bash array IFS=: read -ra data_dirs <<< "${XDG_DATA_DIRS:-/usr/local/share:/usr/share}" for data_dir in "${data_dirs[@]}"; do [ -d "$data_dir/icons" ] || continue icons_dirs=( "${icons_dirs[@]}" "${data_dir%/}/icons" ) done for icons_dir in "${icons_dirs[@]}"; do [ -f "$icons_dir/$THEME_NAME/index.theme" ] || continue printf '%s' "$icons_dir/$THEME_NAME" verbose "'$THEME_NAME' is found in '$icons_dir'." return 0 done return 1 } get_real_user() { # return name of the user that runs the script local user='' if [ -n "$PKEXEC_UID" ]; then user="$(id -nu "$PKEXEC_UID")" elif [ -n "$SUDO_USER" ]; then user="$SUDO_USER" else user="$(id -nu)" fi printf '%s' "$user" } get_user_home() { local user="$1" getent passwd "$user" | awk -F: '{print $(NF-1)}' } config() { # usage: config [{-n --new}] {-s --set} key=value... | {-g --get} key... local config_dir local config_file if _is_user_dir; then config_dir="${XDG_CONFIG_HOME:-$USER_HOME/.config}/$PROGNAME" else config_dir="/var/lib/$PROGNAME" fi config_file="$config_dir/keep" while (( "$#" )); do case "$1" in -g|--get) shift; [ -f "$config_file" ] || return 1 for key; do [ -n "$key" ] || continue awk -F= -v key="$key" ' $1 == key { print $2 exit } ' "$config_file" done break ;; -n|--new) shift; rm -f "$config_file" ;; -e|--exists) shift; # return 1 if test config_file not exist or empty if [ -f "$config_file" ] && [ -s "$config_file" ]; then return 0 else return 1 fi ;; -s|--set) shift; [ "$ONCE" -eq "1" ] && break [ -d "$config_dir" ] || mkdir -p "$config_dir" [ -f "$config_file" ] || touch "$config_file" verbose "Saving params to '$config_file' ..." cat >> "$config_file" <<- EOF $(for key_value; do echo "$key_value"; done) EOF break ;; *) err "illegal option -- '$1'" return 1 esac done return 0 } change_color() { local color="${1:?${FUNCNAME[-1]}: color is not set}" local size prefix file_path file_name symlink_path local -a sizes=(22x22 24x24 32x32 48x48 64x64) local -a prefixes=("folder-$color" "user-$color") for size in "${sizes[@]}"; do for prefix in "${prefixes[@]}"; do for file_path in "$THEME_DIR/$size/places/$prefix"{-*,}.svg; do [ -f "$file_path" ] || continue # is a file [ -L "$file_path" ] && continue # is not a symlink file_name="${file_path##*/}" symlink_path="${file_path/-$color/}" # remove color suffix ln -sf "$file_name" "$symlink_path" || { fatal "Fail to create '$symlink_path' symlink" } done done done } list_colors() { local color='' prefix='' eval "$(declare_colors)" eval "$(declare_current_color)" for color in "${colors[@]}"; do if [ "$current_color" == "$color" ]; then prefix='>' else prefix='' fi printf '%2s %s\n' "$prefix" "$color" done } do_change_color() { _is_valid_color "$SELECTED_COLOR" || { fatal "Unable to find '$SELECTED_COLOR' color in '$THEME_NAME'" } verify_privileges msg "Changing color of folders to '$SELECTED_COLOR' for '$THEME_NAME' ..." change_color "$SELECTED_COLOR" config --new --set "theme=$THEME_NAME" "color=$SELECTED_COLOR" update_icon_cache } do_revert_default() { verify_privileges msg "Restoring default folder color for '$THEME_NAME' ..." change_color "${DEFAULT_COLORS[$THEME_NAME]:-blue}" config --new update_icon_cache } do_restore_color() { local saved_color='' if config --exists; then THEME_NAME="$(config --get theme)" saved_color="$(config --get color)" else _exit "Unable to find config file." fi THEME_DIR="$(get_theme_dir)" || { _exit "Unable to find '$THEME_NAME' icon theme." } _is_valid_color "$saved_color" || { _exit "Unable to find '$saved_color' color in '$THEME_NAME'." } verify_privileges change_color "$saved_color" msg "'$saved_color' color of the folders has been restored." } delete_icon_caches() { local icon_cache real_user='' real_home='' real_user="$(get_real_user)" real_home="$(get_user_home "$real_user")" declare -a icon_caches=( # KDE 5 icon caches "$real_home/.cache/icon-cache.kcache" "/var/tmp/kdecache-$real_user/icon-cache.kcache" ) verbose "Deleting icon caches ..." for icon_cache in "${icon_caches[@]}"; do [ -e "$icon_cache" ] || continue rm -f "$icon_cache" done } update_icon_cache() { [ -z "$DISABLE_UPDATE_ICON_CACHE" ] || return 0 delete_icon_caches verbose "Rebuilding icon cache for '$THEME_NAME' ..." gtk-update-icon-cache -qf "$THEME_DIR" || true } update_icon_caches() { local theme='' delete_icon_caches for theme in "${!DEFAULT_COLORS[@]}"; do [ -f "$THEME_DIR/../$theme/index.theme" ] || continue verbose "Rebuilding icon cache for '$theme' ..." gtk-update-icon-cache -qf "$THEME_DIR/../$theme" || true done } verify_privileges() { _is_root_user && return 0 _is_user_dir && return 0 _is_writable && return 0 verbose "This operation requires root privileges." if command -v sudo > /dev/null; then exec sudo USER_HOME="$USER_HOME" XDG_DATA_DIRS="$XDG_DATA_DIRS" \ "$THIS_SCRIPT" "${ARGS[@]}" else fatal "You need to be root to run this command." fi } parse_args() { local arg='' opt='' local -a args=() # Show help if no argument is passed if [ -z "$1" ]; then usage 2 fi # Translate --gnu-long-options to -g (short options) for arg; do case "$arg" in --help) args+=( -h ) ;; --list) args+=( -l ) ;; --once) args+=( -o ) ;; --theme) args+=( -t ) ;; --update-caches) args+=( -u ) ;; --verbose) args+=( -v ) ;; --color|--colour) args+=( -C ) ;; --default) args+=( -D ) ;; --restore) args+=( -R ) ;; --version) args+=( -V ) ;; --[0-9a-Z]*) err "illegal option -- '$arg'" usage 2 ;; *) args+=("$arg") esac done # Reset the positional parameters to the short options set -- "${args[@]}" while getopts ":C:DRlot:uvVh" opt; do case "$opt" in C ) OPERATIONS+=("change-color") SELECTED_COLOR="$OPTARG" ;; D ) OPERATIONS+=("revert-default") ;; R ) OPERATIONS+=("restore-color") ;; l ) OPERATIONS+=("list-colors") ;; o ) ONCE=1 ;; t ) THEME_NAME="$OPTARG" ;; u ) OPERATIONS+=("update-icon-caches") ;; v ) VERBOSE=1 ;; V ) printf "%s %s\n" "$PROGNAME" "$VERSION" exit 0 ;; h ) usage 0 ;; : ) err "option requires an argument -- '-$OPTARG'" usage 2 ;; \?) err "illegal option -- '-$OPTARG'" usage 2 ;; esac done shift $((OPTIND-1)) # Return an error if any positional parameters are found if [ -n "$1" ]; then err "illegal parameter -- '$1'" usage 2 fi } main() { # default values of options declare THEME_NAME="${THEME_NAME:-Papirus}" declare -i VERBOSE="${VERBOSE:-0}" declare -i ONCE="${ONCE:-0}" declare -A DEFAULT_COLORS=( ['ePapirus']='blue' ['Papirus']='blue' ['Papirus-Dark']='blue' ) declare SELECTED_COLOR='' declare -a OPERATIONS=() parse_args "${ARGS[@]}" if [ "$VERBOSE" -eq "1" ]; then # open a file descriptor for verbose messages exec 4>&1 # close the file descriptor before exiting trap 'exec 4>&-' EXIT HUP INT TERM fi # set USER_HOME variable instead HOME to prevent changing user's icons # when running with sudo [ -n "$USER_HOME" ] || USER_HOME="$(get_user_home "$(id -nu)")" if [ -f "$THEME_NAME/index.theme" ]; then # THEME_NAME is a path to an icon theme THEME_DIR="$(readlink -f "$THEME_NAME")" THEME_NAME="$(basename "$THEME_DIR")" verbose "The path to '$THEME_DIR' theme is specified." else THEME_DIR="$(get_theme_dir)" || { fatal "Fail to find '$THEME_NAME' icon theme." } fi for operation in "${OPERATIONS[@]}"; do case "$operation" in change-color) do_change_color ;; revert-default) do_revert_default ;; restore-color) do_restore_color ;; list-colors) if [ -t 1 ]; then cat <<- EOF List of available colors: $(list_colors) EOF else list_colors fi ;; update-icon-caches) verify_privileges update_icon_caches ;; esac done verbose "Done!" exit 0 } main exit 1