clean up sxript

This commit is contained in:
Ward from fusion-voyager-3 2024-12-16 18:34:07 +03:00
parent 4f55b9e695
commit 5d5a11492f

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@ -24,7 +24,15 @@ if [ -z "$LIVE_MEDIA" ]
busybox echo '[PikaOS Booster Live Hook]: Live medium could not be found among standard blocks.'
busybox echo '[PikaOS Booster Live Hook]: Attempting Ventoy mapping hook.'
/ventoy/busybox/sh /ventoy/hook/debian/
if [ -f '/usr/share/booster/ventoy_injection.tar.xz' ]
busybox echo '[PikaOS Booster Live Hook]: Extracting Ventoy injection archive.'
busybox tar -xvf '/usr/share/booster/ventoy_injection.tar.xz' -C /
/ventoy/busybox/sh /ventoy/hook/debian/
busybox echo '[PikaOS Booster Live Hook]: Error: Ventoy injection archive could not be found!'
exit 31
if [ -f "/dev/mapper/ventoy" ]
busybox echo '[PikaOS Booster Live Hook]: Live medium found on /dev/mapper/ventoy !'
@ -38,38 +46,27 @@ else
### Create mounting dirs
busybox echo '[PikaOS Booster Live Hook]: Creating mountpoints...'
busybox mkdir -p /mnt/medium /mnt/filesystem /mnt/overlay /booster.root
### Mount live medium
busybox echo '[PikaOS Booster Live Hook]: Mounting Live medium...'
busybox mount -o ro $LIVE_MEDIA /mnt/medium
### Create loop from squashfs
#losetup /dev/loop69 /mnt/medium/live/filesystem.squashfs
## Mount squashfs loop
#mount -o ro /dev/loop69 /mnt/filesystem
busybox echo '[PikaOS Booster Live Hook]: Mounting Live medium squashfs image...'
busybox mount -o loop,ro /mnt/medium/live/filesystem.squashfs /mnt/filesystem
### Mount tmpfs on ram
#mount -t tmpfs -o size="$TMPFS_SIZE",mode=1777 overlay_tmpfs /mnt/overlay
busybox echo '[PikaOS Booster Live Hook]: Creating Ramfs...'
busybox mount -t tmpfs -o mode=1777 overlay_tmpfs /mnt/overlay
### Create overlay dirs
busybox mkdir -p /mnt/overlay/upper /mnt/overlay/work
### Create merged overlay
busybox echo '[PikaOS Booster Live Hook]: Creating writable overlay Rootfs on ramfs...'
busybox mount -t overlay overlay -o lowerdir=/mnt/filesystem:/mnt/medium,upperdir=/mnt/overlay/upper,workdir=/mnt/overlay/work /booster.root
### mount kernel filesystems
#busybox mount -n -t devtmpfs devtmpfs /booster.root/dev
#busybox mount -n -t proc proc /booster.root/proc
#busybox mount -n -t sysfs sysfs /booster.root/sys
#busybox mount -n -t tmpfs tmpfs /booster.root/run
### Switch to new root
#busybox switch_root "/booster.root/" "/booster.root/sbin/init"
chmod +x /usr/share/booster/hooks-early/