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/* SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT */
@file ntv2signalrouter.h
@brief Declares CNTV2SignalRouter class.
@copyright (C) 2014-2021 AJA Video Systems, Inc.
#include "ajaexport.h"
#include "ntv2publicinterface.h"
#include <stddef.h>
#include <sstream>
#include <set>
#include <map>
typedef std::set <NTV2OutputXptID> NTV2OutputCrosspointIDSet, NTV2OutputXptIDSet; ///< @brief A collection of distinct ::NTV2OutputXptID values.
typedef NTV2OutputXptIDSet::const_iterator NTV2OutputCrosspointIDSetConstIter, NTV2OutputXptIDSetConstIter; ///< @brief A const iterator for iterating over an ::NTV2OutputXptIDSet.
typedef NTV2OutputXptIDSet::iterator NTV2OutputCrosspointIDSetIter, NTV2OutputXptIDSetIter; ///< @brief A non-const iterator for iterating over an ::NTV2OutputXptIDSet.
AJAExport std::ostream & operator << (std::ostream & inOutStream, const NTV2OutputXptIDSet & inObj);
typedef NTV2OutputCrosspointIDSet NTV2CrosspointIDSet; ///< @deprecated Use ::NTV2OutputXptIDSet instead.
typedef std::set <NTV2InputXptID> NTV2InputCrosspointIDSet, NTV2InputXptIDSet; ///< @brief A collection of distinct ::NTV2InputXptID values.
typedef NTV2InputXptIDSet::const_iterator NTV2InputCrosspointIDSetConstIter, NTV2InputXptIDSetConstIter; ///< @brief A const iterator for iterating over an ::NTV2InputXptIDSet.
typedef NTV2InputXptIDSet::iterator NTV2InputCrosspointIDSetIter, NTV2InputXptIDSetIter; ///< @brief A non-const iterator for iterating over an ::NTV2InputXptIDSet.
AJAExport std::ostream & operator << (std::ostream & inOutStream, const NTV2InputXptIDSet & inObj);
typedef std::set <NTV2WidgetID> NTV2WidgetIDSet; ///< @brief A collection of distinct ::NTV2WidgetID values.
typedef NTV2WidgetIDSet::const_iterator NTV2WidgetIDSetConstIter; ///< @brief An iterator for iterating over a read-only ::NTV2WidgetIDSet.
AJAExport std::ostream & operator << (std::ostream & inOutStream, const NTV2WidgetIDSet & inObj);
typedef std::pair <NTV2InputXptID, NTV2OutputXptID> NTV2SignalConnection, NTV2XptConnection, NTV2Connection; ///< @brief This links an ::NTV2InputXptID and an ::NTV2OutputXptID.
typedef std::map <NTV2InputXptID, NTV2OutputXptID> NTV2XptConnections, NTV2ActualConnections; ///< @brief A map of zero or more one-to-one actual ::NTV2InputXptID to ::NTV2OutputXptID connections.
typedef NTV2XptConnections::const_iterator NTV2XptConnectionsConstIter, NTV2ActualConnectionsConstIter;
typedef std::multimap <NTV2InputXptID, NTV2OutputXptID> NTV2PossibleConnections; ///< @brief A map of zero or more one-to-many possible ::NTV2InputXptID to ::NTV2OutputXptID connections.
typedef NTV2PossibleConnections::const_iterator NTV2PossibleConnectionsConstIter;
AJAExport std::ostream & operator << (std::ostream & inOutStream, const NTV2XptConnections & inObj);
typedef std::map <std::string, NTV2InputXptID> String2InputXpt;
typedef String2InputXpt::const_iterator String2InputXptConstIter;
typedef std::map <NTV2InputXptID, std::string> InputXpt2String;
typedef InputXpt2String::const_iterator InputXpt2StringConstIter;
typedef std::multimap <NTV2InputXptID, NTV2WidgetID> InputXpt2WidgetIDs;
typedef std::pair <NTV2InputXptID, NTV2WidgetID> InputXpt2WidgetIDPair;
typedef InputXpt2WidgetIDs::const_iterator InputXpt2WidgetIDsConstIter;
typedef std::map <std::string, NTV2OutputXptID> String2OutputXpt;
typedef String2OutputXpt::const_iterator String2OutputXptConstIter;
typedef std::map <NTV2OutputXptID, std::string> OutputXpt2String;
typedef OutputXpt2String::const_iterator OutputXpt2StringConstIter;
typedef std::multimap <NTV2OutputXptID, NTV2WidgetID> OutputXpt2WidgetIDs;
typedef std::pair <NTV2OutputXptID, NTV2WidgetID> OutputXpt2WidgetIDPair;
typedef OutputXpt2WidgetIDs::const_iterator OutputXpt2WidgetIDsConstIter;
typedef std::pair <NTV2WidgetID, NTV2OutputXptID> Widget2OutputXptPair;
typedef std::multimap <NTV2WidgetID, NTV2OutputXptID> Widget2OutputXpts;
typedef Widget2OutputXpts::const_iterator Widget2OutputXptsConstIter;
typedef std::pair <NTV2WidgetID, NTV2InputXptID> Widget2InputXptPair;
typedef std::multimap <NTV2WidgetID, NTV2InputXptID> Widget2InputXpts;
typedef Widget2InputXpts::const_iterator Widget2InputXptsConstIter;
typedef std::pair <NTV2WidgetID, NTV2Channel> Widget2ChannelPair;
typedef std::multimap <NTV2WidgetID, NTV2Channel> Widget2Channels;
typedef Widget2Channels::const_iterator Widget2ChannelsConstIter;
typedef std::pair <NTV2WidgetID, NTV2WidgetType> Widget2TypePair;
typedef std::multimap <NTV2WidgetID, NTV2WidgetType> Widget2Types;
typedef Widget2Types::const_iterator Widget2TypesConstIter;
typedef std::set<NTV2WidgetType> NTV2WidgetTypeSet;
typedef NTV2WidgetTypeSet::const_iterator NTV2WidgetTypeSetConstIter;
@brief This class is a collection of widget input-to-output connections that can be applied all-at-once to an NTV2 device.
Call AddConnection to connect a widget input (specified by ::NTV2InputXptID) to a widget's output (specified by ::NTV2OutputXptID).
Call the CNTV2Card::ApplySignalRoute function to apply this route to the device.
@note Use of this class is optional, as widget signal routing can always be performed using direct calls to CNTV2Card::Connect.
@note This class is not thread-safe.
@note Public access to the ::NTV2RoutingEntry structs are deprecated. Please use ::NTV2InputXptID instead.
@see \ref ntv2signalrouting
class AJAExport CNTV2SignalRouter
// Instance Methods
inline CNTV2SignalRouter () {Reset ();} ///< @brief My default constructor.
virtual inline ~CNTV2SignalRouter () {} ///< @brief My default destructor.
#if !defined (NTV2_DEPRECATE)
virtual NTV2_DEPRECATED_f(operator NTV2RoutingTable () const); ///< @deprecated This function is obsolete.
virtual NTV2_DEPRECATED_f(operator NTV2RoutingTable* ()); ///< @deprecated This function is obsolete.
virtual inline NTV2_DEPRECATED_f(const NTV2RoutingEntry & getRoutingEntry (const ULWord inIndex) const) {return GetRoutingEntry (inIndex);} ///< @deprecated This function is obsolete.
virtual inline NTV2_DEPRECATED_f(ULWord getCurrentIndex (void) const) {return GetNumberOfConnections ();} ///< @deprecated Use GetNumberOfRoutes instead.
virtual inline NTV2_DEPRECATED_f(bool add (const NTV2RoutingEntry & inEntry)) {return AddConnection (inEntry);} ///< @deprecated Use AddConnection instead.
virtual NTV2_DEPRECATED_f(bool addWithRegisterAndValue (const NTV2RoutingEntry & inEntry, const ULWord inRegisterNum, const ULWord inValue,
const ULWord inMask = 0xFFFFFFFF, const ULWord inShift = 0)); ///< @deprecated This function is obsolete.
virtual inline NTV2_DEPRECATED_f(void clear (void)) {mConnections.clear ();} ///< @deprecated Use Reset instead.
virtual NTV2_DEPRECATED_f(const NTV2RoutingEntry & GetRoutingEntry (const ULWord inIndex) const); ///< @deprecated This function is obsolete.
virtual NTV2_DEPRECATED_f(bool GetRoutingTable (NTV2RoutingTable & outRoutingTable) const); ///< @deprecated This function is obsolete.
#endif // !defined (NTV2_DEPRECATE)
#if !defined (NTV2_DEPRECATE_12_5)
virtual NTV2_DEPRECATED_f(bool addWithValue (const NTV2RoutingEntry & inEntry, const ULWord inValue)); ///< @deprecated Use AddConnection with ::NTV2InputXptIDSet instead.
virtual NTV2_DEPRECATED_f(bool AddConnection (const NTV2RoutingEntry & inEntry, const NTV2OutputCrosspointID inSignalOutput = NTV2_XptBlack)); ///< @deprecated Use AddConnection(::NTV2InputXptID, ::NTV2OutputXptID) instead.
#endif // !defined (NTV2_DEPRECATE_12_5)
@brief Adds a connection between a widget's signal input (sink) and another widget's signal output (source).
@param[in] inSignalInput Specifies the widget signal input (sink) as an ::NTV2InputXptID.
@param[in] inSignalOutput Specifies the widget signal output (source) as an ::NTV2OutputXptID. If not specified, uses ::NTV2_XptBlack.
@return True if successfully added; otherwise false.
@see CNTV2Card::Connect, CNTV2SignalRouter::RemoveConnection
virtual bool AddConnection (const NTV2InputXptID inSignalInput, const NTV2OutputXptID inSignalOutput = NTV2_XptBlack);
@brief Removes the connection between the specified input (signal sink) and output (signal source).
@param[in] inSignalInput Specifies the widget signal input (sink) as an ::NTV2InputXptID.
@param[in] inSignalOutput Specifies the widget signal output (source) as an ::NTV2OutputXptID.
@return True if successfully removed; otherwise false.
@see CNTV2Card::Disconnect, CNTV2SignalRouter::AddConnection
virtual bool RemoveConnection (const NTV2InputXptID inSignalInput, const NTV2OutputXptID inSignalOutput);
@brief Answers true if I contain a connection between the specified input (signal sink) and output (signal source).
@param[in] inSignalInput Specifies the widget signal input (sink) as an ::NTV2InputXptID.
@param[in] inSignalOutput Specifies the widget signal output (source) as an ::NTV2OutputXptID.
@return True if I have such a connection; otherwise false.
@see CNTV2Card::IsConnected, CNTV2Card::IsConnectedTo
virtual bool HasConnection (const NTV2InputXptID inSignalInput, const NTV2OutputXptID inSignalOutput) const;
@brief Answers true if I contain a connection that involves the given input (signal sink).
@param[in] inSignalInput Specifies the widget signal input (sink) of interest as an ::NTV2InputXptID.
@return True if I have a connection involving the given input; otherwise false.
@see CNTV2Card::IsConnected, CNTV2Card::GetConnectedInput, CNTV2SignalRouter::HasConnection
virtual bool HasInput (const NTV2InputXptID inSignalInput) const;
@return The output crosspoint that the given input is connected to, or NTV2_XptBlack if not connected.
@param[in] inSignalInput Specifies the widget signal input (sink) of interest.
@see CNTV2Card::GetConnectedOutput
virtual NTV2OutputXptID GetConnectedOutput (const NTV2InputXptID inSignalInput) const;
@brief Resets me, erasing any/all existing connections.
@see CNTV2Card::ClearRouting, CNTV2SignalRouter::ResetFromRegisters
virtual inline void Reset (void) {mConnections.clear ();}
@brief Resets me, erasing any/all existing connections, then rebuilding my connections from the given register values.
@param[in] inInputXpts Specifies the input crosspoints of interest (perhaps obtained from CNTV2SignalRouter::GetAllWidgetInputs).
@param[in] inRegReads Specifies the routing registers/values (perhaps obtained from CNTV2Card::ReadRegisters).
@return True if successful; otherwise false.
@see CNTV2SignalRouter::Reset, CNTV2SignalRouter::GetRegisterWrites
virtual bool ResetFromRegisters (const NTV2InputXptIDSet & inInputXpts, const NTV2RegisterReads & inRegReads);
@brief Resets me, replacing any/all existing connections with the given connections.
@param[in] inConnections Specifies the new routing connections.
@return True if successful; otherwise false.
@see CNTV2SignalRouter::Reset
virtual bool ResetFrom (const NTV2XptConnections & inConnections) {mConnections = inConnections; return true;} // New in SDK 16.0
@return The current number of connections (signal routes).
@see CNTV2SignalRouter::IsEmpty
virtual inline ULWord GetNumberOfConnections (void) const {return ULWord (mConnections.size ());}
@return True if I have no connections (signal routes); otherwise false.
@see CNTV2SignalRouter::GetNumberOfConnections
virtual inline bool IsEmpty (void) const {return mConnections.empty();}
@return A copy of my connections.
virtual inline NTV2XptConnections GetConnections (void) const {return mConnections;}
@brief Returns a sequence of NTV2RegInfo values that can be written to an NTV2 device using its WriteRegisters function.
@param[out] outRegWrites Receives a sequence of NTV2ReadWriteRegisterSingle values.
@return True if successful; otherwise false.
virtual bool GetRegisterWrites (NTV2RegisterWrites & outRegWrites) const;
@brief Compares me with another routing, and returns three connection mappings as a result of the comparison:
those that are new, changed, and missing.
@param[in] inRHS The CNTV2SignalRouter that I'm being compared with.
@param[out] outNew Receives the new connections (those that I have, but RHS doesn't).
@param[out] outChanged Receives the changed connections, where only the output crosspoint changed.
The output crosspoint of these changed connections will be those from "inRHS"
-- not the new ones.
@param[out] outMissing Receives the deleted connections (those that RHS has, but I don't).
@return True if identical (i.e. the returned output connection maps are all empty); otherwise false.
@see CNTV2SignalRouter::operator ==, CNTV2SignalRouter::operator !=
virtual bool Compare (const CNTV2SignalRouter & inRHS,
NTV2XptConnections & outNew,
NTV2XptConnections & outChanged,
NTV2XptConnections & outMissing) const;
@return True if my connections are identical to those of the given right-hand-side signal router; otherwise false.
@param[in] inRHS The CNTV2SignalRouter that I'll be compared with.
@see CNTV2SignalRouter::Compare, CNTV2SignalRouter::operator !=
virtual inline bool operator == (const CNTV2SignalRouter & inRHS) const {NTV2XptConnections tmp; return Compare(inRHS, tmp,tmp,tmp);}
@return True if my connections differ from those of the given right-hand-side signal router; otherwise false.
@param[in] inRHS The CNTV2SignalRouter that I'll be compared with.
@see CNTV2SignalRouter::Compare, CNTV2SignalRouter::operator ==
virtual inline bool operator != (const CNTV2SignalRouter & inRHS) const {return !(inRHS == *this);}
@brief Prints me in a human-readable format to the given output stream.
@param inOutStream Specifies the output stream that is to receive the human-readable data.
@param[in] inForRetailDisplay Specify true to use human-readable names in the display; otherwise false to use names found in the SDK.
@return A reference to the specified output stream.
@see CNTV2SignalRouter::PrintCode
virtual std::ostream & Print (std::ostream & inOutStream, const bool inForRetailDisplay = false) const;
struct PrintCodeConfig
bool mShowComments; ///< @brief If true, show comments in the generated code
bool mShowDeclarations; ///< @brief If true, show variable declarations in the generated code
bool mUseRouter; ///< @brief If true, use calls to CNTV2DeviceRouter instead of CNTV2Card
std::string mPreCommentText; ///< @brief Comment prefix text
std::string mPostCommentText; ///< @brief Comment postfix text
std::string mPreClassText; ///< @brief Class prefix text
std::string mPostClassText; ///< @brief Class postfix text
std::string mPreVariableText; ///< @brief Variable prefix text
std::string mPostVariableText; ///< @brief Variable postfix text
std::string mPreXptText; ///< @brief Crosspoint variable prefix text
std::string mPostXptText; ///< @brief Crosspoint variable postfix text
std::string mPreFunctionText; ///< @brief Function name prefix text
std::string mPostFunctionText; ///< @brief Function name postfix text
std::string mDeviceVarName; ///< @brief Name to use for CNTV2Card variable
std::string mRouterVarName; ///< @brief Name to use for CNTV2DeviceRouter variable
std::string mLineBreakText; ///< @brief Text to use for line breaks
std::string mFieldBreakText; ///< @brief Text to use for field breaks
NTV2XptConnections mNew; ///< @brief Optional, to show new connections
NTV2XptConnections mChanged; ///< @brief Optional, to show changed connections
NTV2XptConnections mMissing; ///< @brief Optional, to show deleted connections
@brief Default constructor sets the following default settings:
- include "//"-style comments and variable declarations;
- uses CNTV2Card calls;
- uses standard newline line breaks.
PrintCodeConfig ();
@brief Prints me as source code to the given output stream.
@param[out] outCode Receives the generated source code.
@param[in] inConfig Specifies how the source code will be generated.
If unspecified, uses the PrintCodeConfig's default settings.
@return True if successful; otherwise false.
@see CNTV2SignalRouter::Print
virtual bool PrintCode (std::string & outCode, const PrintCodeConfig & inConfig = PrintCodeConfig()) const;
#if !defined (NTV2_DEPRECATE_12_5)
virtual NTV2_DEPRECATED_f(bool PrintCode (std::string & outCode, const bool inShowComments, const bool inShowDeclarations, const bool inUseRouter) const); ///< @deprecated Use the new PrintCode method that accepts a PrintCodeConfig parameter.
#endif // !defined (NTV2_DEPRECATE_12_5)
// Instance Data
typedef NTV2XptConnections::iterator NTV2XptConnectionsIter;
NTV2XptConnections mConnections; ///< @brief My collection of NTV2SignalConnections
public: // CLASS METHODS
@brief Answers with the ::NTV2InputXptID and ::NTV2OutputXptIDSet for the given ROM register value.
@param[in] inROMRegNum Specifies the ROM register number.
@param[in] inROMRegValue Specifies the ROM register value.
@param[out] outInputXpt Receives the input crosspoint associated with the ROM register.
@param[out] outOutputXpts Receives the valid (implemented) output crosspoint routes.
@param[in] inAppendOutputXpts If true, appends output crosspoints to the output set;
otherwise clears the output crosspoint set (the default).
@return True if successful; otherwise false.
static bool GetRouteROMInfoFromReg (const ULWord inROMRegNum, const ULWord inROMRegValue,
NTV2InputXptID & outInputXpt, NTV2OutputXptIDSet & outOutputXpts,
const bool inAppendOutputXpts = false); // New in SDK 16.0; moved into CNTV2SignalRouter in SDK 16.1
@brief Answers with the implemented crosspoint connections as obtained from the given ROM registers.
@param[in] inROMRegisters The ROM register numbers and values.
@param[out] outConnections Receives the legal implemented connections/routes.
@return True if successful; otherwise false.
static bool GetPossibleConnections (const NTV2RegReads & inROMRegisters,
NTV2PossibleConnections & outConnections); // New in SDK 16.0; moved into CNTV2SignalRouter in SDK 16.1
@brief Prepares an initialized, zeroed NTV2RegReads that's prepared to read all ROM registers from a device.
@param[out] outROMRegisters Receives the prepared NTV2RegReads.
@return True if successful; otherwise false.
static bool MakeRouteROMRegisters (NTV2RegReads & outROMRegisters); // New in SDK 16.0; moved into CNTV2SignalRouter in SDK 16.1
@brief Returns a string containing the most compact human-readable form for a given input crosspoint.
@param[in] inInputXpt Specifies the ::NTV2InputXptID of interest.
@return A string containing the most compact human-readable representation of the input crosspoint.
@see CNTV2SignalRouter::NTV2OutputCrosspointIDToString, CNTV2SignalRouter::StringToNTV2InputCrosspointID
static std::string NTV2InputCrosspointIDToString (const NTV2InputXptID inInputXpt);
@brief Returns a string containing the most compact human-readable form for a given output crosspoint.
@param[in] inOutputXpt Specifies the ::NTV2OutputXptID of interest.
@return A string containing the most compact human-readable representation of the output crosspoint.
@see CNTV2SignalRouter::NTV2InputCrosspointIDToString, CNTV2SignalRouter::StringToNTV2OutputCrosspointID
static std::string NTV2OutputCrosspointIDToString (const NTV2OutputXptID inOutputXpt);
@brief Returns a string containing the most compact human-readable form for a given input crosspoint.
@param[in] inStr Specifies the string to convert into an NTV2InputXptID.
@return The corresponding input crosspoint.
@see CNTV2SignalRouter::StringToNTV2OutputCrosspointID, CNTV2SignalRouter::NTV2InputCrosspointIDToString
static NTV2InputXptID StringToNTV2InputCrosspointID (const std::string & inStr);
@brief Returns the output crosspoint that corresponds to the given string.
@param[in] inStr Specifies the string to convert into an NTV2OutputXptID.
@return The corresponding output crosspoint.
@see CNTV2SignalRouter::StringToNTV2InputCrosspointID, CNTV2SignalRouter::NTV2OutputCrosspointIDToString
static NTV2OutputXptID StringToNTV2OutputCrosspointID (const std::string & inStr);
@brief Returns the widget IDs supported by the given device.
@param[in] inDeviceID Specifies the NTV2DeviceID of the NTV2 device of interest.
@param[out] outWidgets Receives the NTV2WidgetIDSet of widgets that are supported by the given device.
@return True if successful; otherwise false.
static bool GetWidgetIDs (const NTV2DeviceID inDeviceID, NTV2WidgetIDSet & outWidgets);
@brief Returns the widgets that "own" the specified output crosspoint.
@param[in] inOutputXpt Specifies the output crosspoint of interest.
@param[out] outWidgetIDs Receives the NTV2WidgetIDSet containing the widgets that "own" the output
crosspoint (or an empty set upon failure).
@return True if successful; otherwise false.
static bool GetWidgetsForOutput (const NTV2OutputXptID inOutputXpt, NTV2WidgetIDSet & outWidgetIDs);
@brief Returns the widget that "owns" the specified output crosspoint.
@param[in] inOutputXpt Specifies the output crosspoint of interest.
@param[out] outWidgetID Receives the ::NTV2WidgetID of the widget that "owns" the output crosspoint
(or ::NTV2_WIDGET_INVALID upon failure).
@param[in] inDeviceID Optionally specifies a device ID to resolve any ambiguity if more than
one ::NTV2WidgetID is associated with the given ::NTV2OutputXptID.
@note The default behavior is to answer with the first ::NTV2WidgetID found in the ::NTV2WidgetIDSet.
@return True if successful; otherwise false.
static bool GetWidgetForOutput (const NTV2OutputXptID inOutputXpt, NTV2WidgetID & outWidgetID, const NTV2DeviceID inDeviceID = DEVICE_ID_NOTFOUND);
@brief Returns the widgets that "own" the specified input crosspoint.
@param[in] inInputXpt Specifies the input crosspoint of interest.
@param[out] outWidgetIDs Receives the ::NTV2WidgetIDSet containing the widgets that "own" the input
crosspoint (or an empty set upon failure).
@return True if successful; otherwise false.
static bool GetWidgetsForInput (const NTV2InputXptID inInputXpt, NTV2WidgetIDSet & outWidgetIDs);
@brief Returns the widget that "owns" the specified input crosspoint.
@param[in] inInputXpt Specifies the input crosspoint of interest.
@param[out] outWidgetID Receives the ::NTV2WidgetID of the widget that "owns" the input crosspoint
(or ::NTV2_WIDGET_INVALID upon failure).
@param[in] inDeviceID Optionally specifies a device ID to resolve any ambiguity if more than
one ::NTV2WidgetID is associated with the given ::NTV2InputXptID.
Defaults to ::DEVICE_ID_NOTFOUND, which returns the first match.
@return True if successful; otherwise false.
static bool GetWidgetForInput (const NTV2InputXptID inInputXpt, NTV2WidgetID & outWidgetID, const NTV2DeviceID inDeviceID = DEVICE_ID_NOTFOUND);
@brief Returns the input crosspoints known to be "owned" by the given widget.
@param[in] inWidgetID Specifies the ::NTV2WidgetID of the widget of interest.
@param[out] outInputs Receives the set of ::NTV2InputXptIDSet that are "owned" by the widget
(or empty upon failure).
@return True if successful; otherwise false.
static bool GetWidgetInputs (const NTV2WidgetID inWidgetID, NTV2InputXptIDSet & outInputs);
@brief Returns all known widget input crosspoints for the given device.
@param[in] inDeviceID Specifies the ::NTV2DeviceID of the device of interest.
@param[out] outInputs Receives the ::NTV2InputXptIDSet (or empty upon failure).
@return True if successful; otherwise false.
static bool GetAllWidgetInputs (const NTV2DeviceID inDeviceID, NTV2InputXptIDSet & outInputs);
@brief Returns all routing registers for the given set of input crosspoints.
@param[in] inInputs Specifies the input crosspoints.
@param[out] outRegInfos Receives the ::NTV2RegInfo collection (empty upon failure).
@return True if successful; otherwise false.
static bool GetAllRoutingRegInfos (const NTV2InputXptIDSet & inInputs, NTV2RegisterWrites & outRegInfos);
@brief Returns the output crosspoints known to be "owned" by the given widget.
@param[in] inWidgetID Specifies the ::NTV2WidgetID of the widget of interest.
@param[out] outOutputs Receives the set of ::NTV2OutputXptIDSet that are "owned" by the widget
(or empty upon failure).
@return True if successful; otherwise false.
static bool GetWidgetOutputs (const NTV2WidgetID inWidgetID, NTV2OutputXptIDSet & outOutputs);
@brief Converts a set of crosspoint registers into a set of crosspoint connections.
@param[in] inInputXptIDs Specifies the input crosspoints.
@param[in] inRegValues Specifies the crosspoint register values.
@param[out] outConnections Receives the connections found in the given register values.
@return True if successful; otherwise false.
static bool GetConnectionsFromRegs (const NTV2InputXptIDSet & inInputXptIDs, const NTV2RegisterReads & inRegValues, NTV2XptConnections & outConnections); // New in SDK 16.0
@param[in] inInputXpt Specifies the input crosspoint ID of interest.
@return True if the input only accepts RGB; otherwise false.
static bool IsRGBOnlyInputXpt (const NTV2InputXptID inInputXpt); // New in SDK 16.0
@param[in] inInputXpt Specifies the input crosspoint ID of interest.
@return True if the input only accepts YCbCr; otherwise false.
static bool IsYUVOnlyInputXpt (const NTV2InputXptID inInputXpt); // New in SDK 16.0
@param[in] inInputXpt Specifies the input crosspoint ID of interest.
@return True if the input is a mask/key input; otherwise false.
static bool IsKeyInputXpt (const NTV2InputXptID inInputXpt); // New in SDK 16.0
@param[in] inWidgetID Specifies the widget ID of interest.
@return The corresponding channel.
static NTV2Channel WidgetIDToChannel (const NTV2WidgetID inWidgetID); // New in SDK 16.1
@param[in] inWidgetType Specifies the widget type of interest.
@param[in] inChannel Specifies the channel of interest.
@return The corresponding widget ID.
static NTV2WidgetID WidgetIDFromTypeAndChannel(const NTV2WidgetType inWidgetType, const NTV2Channel inChannel); // New in SDK 16.1
@param[in] inWidgetID Specifies the widget ID of interest.
@return The corresponding widget type.
static NTV2WidgetType WidgetIDToType (const NTV2WidgetID inWidgetID); // New in SDK 16.1
@param[in] inWidgetType Specifies the widget type of interest.
@return True if the widget type is an SDI widget.
static bool IsSDIWidgetType (const NTV2WidgetType inWidgetType); // New in SDK 16.1
@param[in] inWidgetType Specifies the widget type of interest.
@return True if the widget type is an SDI Input Widget.
static bool IsSDIInputWidgetType (const NTV2WidgetType inWidgetType); // New in SDK 16.1
@param[in] inWidgetType Specifies the widget type of interest.
@return True if the widget type is an SDI Output widget.
static bool IsSDIOutputWidgetType (const NTV2WidgetType inWidgetType); // New in SDK 16.1
@param[in] inWidgetType Specifies the widget type of interest.
@return True if the widget type is a 3G SDI widget.
static bool Is3GSDIWidgetType (const NTV2WidgetType inWidgetType); // New in SDK 16.1
@param[in] inWidgetType Specifies the widget type of interest.
@return True if the widget type is a 12G SDI widget.
static bool Is12GSDIWidgetType (const NTV2WidgetType inWidgetType); // New in SDK 16.1
@param[in] inWidgetType Specifies the widget type of interest.
@return True if the widget type is a Dual Link widget.
static bool IsDualLinkWidgetType (const NTV2WidgetType inWidgetType); // New in SDK 16.1
@param[in] inWidgetType Specifies the widget type of interest.
@return True if the widget type is a Dual Link Input widget.
static bool IsDualLinkInWidgetType (const NTV2WidgetType inWidgetType); // New in SDK 16.1
@param[in] inWidgetType Specifies the widget type of interest.
@return True if the widget type is a Dual Link Output widget.
static bool IsDualLinkOutWidgetType (const NTV2WidgetType inWidgetType); // New in SDK 16.1
@param[in] inWidgetType Specifies the widget type of interest.
@return True if the widget type is an HDMI widget.
static bool IsHDMIWidgetType (const NTV2WidgetType inWidgetType); // New in SDK 16.1
@param[in] inWidgetType Specifies the widget type of interest.
@return True if the widget type is an HDMI Input widget.
static bool IsHDMIInWidgetType (const NTV2WidgetType inWidgetType); // New in SDK 16.1
@param[in] inWidgetType Specifies the widget type of interest.
@return True if the widget type is an HDMI Output widget.
static bool IsHDMIOutWidgetType (const NTV2WidgetType inWidgetType); // New in SDK 16.1
@brief Compares two sets of crosspoint connections.
@param[in] inLHS Specifies the input crosspoints.
@param[in] inRHS Specifies the crosspoint register values.
@param[out] outNew Receives the new connections found in the RHS that aren't in the LHS.
@param[out] outRemoved Receives the deleted connections not found in the RHS that are in the LHS.
@return True if successful; otherwise false.
static bool CompareConnections (const NTV2XptConnections & inLHS,
const NTV2XptConnections & inRHS,
NTV2XptConnections & outNew,
NTV2XptConnections & outRemoved); // New in SDK 16.0
@brief Decodes a given string into a map of crosspoint connections.
@param[in] inString Specifies the string to be parsed. It can contain the pnemonics that
CNTV2SignalRouter::PrintCode generates, or a simple C++ code snippet that contains
one or more "device.Connect(...)" calls.
@param[out] outConnections Receives the connections from what is successfully parsed from the string.
It will be empty if this function fails.
@return True if successful; otherwise false.
static bool CreateFromString (const std::string & inString, NTV2XptConnections & outConnections); // New in SDK 16.0
@brief Sets the router from the given string.
@param[in] inString Specifies the string to be parsed.
@param[out] outRouter The CNTV2SignalRouter to be cleared and set from what is parsed from the string.
It will be empty if this function fails.
@return True if successful; otherwise false.
@see CNTV2SignalRouter::PrintCode, CNTV2SignalRouter::ResetFromRegisters
static bool CreateFromString (const std::string & inString, CNTV2SignalRouter & outRouter);
@brief Converts the given map of crosspoint connections into source code.
@param[out] outCode Receives the generated source code.
@param[in] inConnections Receives the connections from what is successfully parsed from the string.
It will be empty if this function fails.
@param[in] inConfig Specifies how the source code will be generated.
If unspecified, uses the PrintCodeConfig's default settings.
@return True if successful; otherwise false.
static bool ToCodeString (std::string & outCode, const NTV2XptConnections & inConnections,
const PrintCodeConfig & inConfig = PrintCodeConfig()); // New in SDK 16.0
#if !defined (NTV2_DEPRECATE_12_5)
static NTV2_DEPRECATED_f(const NTV2RoutingEntry & GetInputSelectEntry (const NTV2InputCrosspointID inInputXpt)); ///< @deprecated NTV2RoutingEntry is deprecated.
static NTV2_DEPRECATED_f(NTV2InputCrosspointID NTV2RoutingEntryToInputCrosspointID (const NTV2RoutingEntry & inEntry)); ///< @deprecated NTV2RoutingEntry is deprecated.
#endif // !defined (NTV2_DEPRECATE_12_5)
static bool IsInitialized(void); ///< @return True if the Signal Router singleton has been allocated/created; otherwise false.
@brief Explicitly allocates and initializes the Routing Expert singleton.
@return True if successful; otherwise false.
@note Normally, there is no need to call this function, as the Routing Expert singleton is
automatically allocated and initialized.
@see CNTV2SignalRouter::Deinitialize
static bool Initialize(void);
@brief Explicitly deinitializes and deallocates the Routing Expert singleton.
@return True if successful; otherwise false.
@note Normally, there is no need to call this function, as the Routing Expert singleton is
automatically deinitialized and deallocated.
@see CNTV2SignalRouter::Initialize
static bool Deinitialize(void);
}; // CNTV2SignalRouter
@return The appropriate ::NTV2InputXptID for the given FrameStore, or ::NTV2_INPUT_CROSSPOINT_INVALID upon failure.
@param[in] inFrameStore Specifies the FrameStore of interest, expressed as an ::NTV2Channel (a zero-based index value).
@param[in] inIsBInput Specify true to obtain the "B" input crosspoint (for dual-link). Defaults to false (the "A" input crosspoint).
AJAExport NTV2InputXptID GetFrameBufferInputXptFromChannel (const NTV2Channel inFrameStore, const bool inIsBInput = false);
@return The appropriate ::NTV2InputXptID for the given color space converter (CSC) widget, or ::NTV2_INPUT_CROSSPOINT_INVALID upon failure.
@param[in] inCSC Specifies the CSC of interest, expressed as an ::NTV2Channel (a zero-based index value).
@param[in] inIsKeyInput Specify true to obtain the key (alpha) input crosspoint. Defaults to false (the video input crosspoint).
AJAExport NTV2InputXptID GetCSCInputXptFromChannel (const NTV2Channel inCSC, const bool inIsKeyInput = false);
@return The appropriate ::NTV2InputXptID for the given LUT widget, or ::NTV2_INPUT_CROSSPOINT_INVALID upon failure.
@param[in] inLUT Specifies the LUT of interest, expressed as an ::NTV2Channel (a zero-based index value).
AJAExport NTV2InputXptID GetLUTInputXptFromChannel (const NTV2Channel inLUT); // New in SDK 16.0
@return The appropriate ::NTV2InputXptID for the given Dual-Link Input widget, or ::NTV2_INPUT_CROSSPOINT_INVALID upon failure.
@param[in] inChannel Specifies the Dual-Link Input converter of interest, expressed as an ::NTV2Channel (a zero-based index value).
@param[in] inLinkB Specifies whether to return the A or the B link crosspoint ID. Defaults to the A link crosspoint.
AJAExport NTV2InputXptID GetDLInInputXptFromChannel (const NTV2Channel inChannel, const bool inLinkB = false);
@return The appropriate ::NTV2InputXptID for the given Dual Link Output widget, or ::NTV2_INPUT_CROSSPOINT_INVALID upon failure.
@param[in] inDLOutWidget Specifies the Dual Link Output of interest, expressed as an ::NTV2Channel (a zero-based index value).
AJAExport NTV2InputXptID GetDLOutInputXptFromChannel (const NTV2Channel inDLOutWidget);
@return The appropriate NTV2OutputCrosspointID for the given color space converter (CSC) widget, or ::NTV2_OUTPUT_CROSSPOINT_INVALID upon failure.
@param[in] inCSC Specifies the CSC of interest, expressed as an ::NTV2Channel (a zero-based index value).
@param[in] inIsKey Specify true to obtain the key (alpha) output crosspoint. Defaults to false (the video output crosspoint).
@param[in] inIsRGB Specify true to obtain the RGB video output crosspoint. Defaults to false (the YUV video output crosspoint).
Ignored if true passed to inIsKey.
AJAExport NTV2OutputXptID GetCSCOutputXptFromChannel (const NTV2Channel inCSC, const bool inIsKey = false, const bool inIsRGB = false);
@return The appropriate NTV2OutputCrosspointID for the given LUT widget.
@param[in] inLUT Specifies the LUT of interest, expressed as an ::NTV2Channel (a zero-based index value).
AJAExport NTV2OutputXptID GetLUTOutputXptFromChannel (const NTV2Channel inLUT); // New in SDK 16.0
@return The appropriate NTV2OutputCrosspointID for the given FrameStore, or ::NTV2_OUTPUT_CROSSPOINT_INVALID upon failure.
@param[in] inFrameStore Specifies the FrameStore of interest, expressed as an ::NTV2Channel (a zero-based index value).
@param[in] inIsRGB Specify true to obtain the RGB output crosspoint. Defaults to false (the YUV output crosspoint).
@param[in] inIs425 Specify true to obtain the 425 output crosspoint. Defaults to false (the normal non-425 output crosspoint).
AJAExport NTV2OutputXptID GetFrameBufferOutputXptFromChannel (const NTV2Channel inFrameStore, const bool inIsRGB = false, const bool inIs425 = false);
@return The appropriate ::NTV2OutputCrosspointID for the given ::NTV2InputSource, or ::NTV2_OUTPUT_CROSSPOINT_INVALID upon failure.
@param[in] inInputSource Specifies the NTV2InputSource of interest.
@param[in] inIsSDI_DS2 Specify true to obtain the DS2 output crosspoint (for SDI input sources).
Defaults to false (the DS1 output crosspoint).
Ignored for non-SDI input sources.
@param[in] inIsHDMI_RGB Specify true to obtain the RGB output crosspoint (for HDMI input sources).
Defaults to false (the YUV output crosspoint).
Ignored for non-HDMI input sources.
@param[in] inHDMI_Quadrant Specifies the 4K/UHD quadrant of interest (for HDMI input sources), where 0=upperLeft, 1=upperRight, 2=lowerLeft, 3=lowerRight.
Defaults to 0 (upperLeft). Ignored for non-HDMI input sources.
AJAExport NTV2OutputXptID GetInputSourceOutputXpt (const NTV2InputSource inInputSource, const bool inIsSDI_DS2 = false,
const bool inIsHDMI_RGB = false, const UWord inHDMI_Quadrant = 0);
@return The appropriate SDI input's ::NTV2OutputCrosspointID for the given SDI Input, or ::NTV2_OUTPUT_CROSSPOINT_INVALID upon failure.
@param[in] inSDIInput Specifies the SDI Input widget of interest, expressed as an ::NTV2Channel (a zero-based index value).
@param[in] inIsDS2 Specify true to obtain the DS2 output crosspoint. Defaults to false (the DS1 output crosspoint).
AJAExport NTV2OutputXptID GetSDIInputOutputXptFromChannel (const NTV2Channel inSDIInput, const bool inIsDS2 = false);
@return The ::NTV2OutputCrosspointID for the given Dual Link Output, or ::NTV2_OUTPUT_CROSSPOINT_INVALID upon failure.
@param[in] inDLOutput Specifies the Dual-Link Output widget of interest, expressed as an ::NTV2Channel (a zero-based index value).
@param[in] inIsLinkB Specify true to obtain the DS2 output crosspoint. Defaults to false (the DS1 output crosspoint).
AJAExport NTV2OutputXptID GetDLOutOutputXptFromChannel(const NTV2Channel inDLOutput, const bool inIsLinkB = false);
@return The appropriate ::NTV2OutputCrosspointID for the given Dual Link Input, or ::NTV2_OUTPUT_CROSSPOINT_INVALID upon failure.
@param[in] inDLInput Specifies the Dual-Link Input widget of interest, expressed as an ::NTV2Channel (a zero-based index value).
AJAExport NTV2OutputXptID GetDLInOutputXptFromChannel(const NTV2Channel inDLInput);
@return The appropriate ::NTV2InputXptID for the given ::NTV2OutputDestination, or ::NTV2_INPUT_CROSSPOINT_INVALID upon failure.
@param[in] inOutputDest Specifies the ::NTV2OutputDestination of interest.
@param[in] inIsSDI_DS2 Specify true to obtain the DS2 input crosspoint (SDI output destinations only). Defaults to false (the DS1 input).
Ignored for non-SDI output destinations.
@param[in] inHDMI_Quadrant Specifies the 4K/UHD quadrant of interest (for HDMI output destinations),
where 0=upperLeft, 1=upperRight, 2=lowerLeft, 3=lowerRight.
Values above 3 are deemed to be non-4K/UHD (the default).
Ignored for non-HDMI output destinations.
AJAExport NTV2InputXptID GetOutputDestInputXpt (const NTV2OutputDestination inOutputDest, const bool inIsSDI_DS2 = false, const UWord inHDMI_Quadrant = 99);
@return The appropriate ::NTV2InputXptID for the given SDI Output, or ::NTV2_INPUT_CROSSPOINT_INVALID upon failure.
@param[in] inSDIOutput Specifies the SDI Output widget of interest, expressed as an ::NTV2Channel (a zero-based index value).
@param[in] inIsDS2 Specify true to obtain the DS2 input crosspoint. Defaults to false (the DS1 input).
AJAExport NTV2InputXptID GetSDIOutputInputXpt (const NTV2Channel inSDIOutput, const bool inIsDS2 = false);
@return The appropriate mixer's ::NTV2OutputCrosspointID for the given ::NTV2Channel, or ::NTV2_OUTPUT_CROSSPOINT_INVALID upon failure.
@param[in] inChannel Specifies the ::NTV2Channel of interest. Mixer 1 is used for channels 1 & 2, mixer 2 for channels 3 & 4, etc.
@param[in] inIsKey Specify true to obtain the key output crosspoint. Defaults to false (the video output crosspoint).
@see ::GetMixerFGInputXpt, ::GetMixerBGInputXpt, \ref widget_mixkey
AJAExport NTV2OutputXptID GetMixerOutputXptFromChannel (const NTV2Channel inChannel, const bool inIsKey = false);
@return The appropriate mixer's foreground ::NTV2InputXptID for the given ::NTV2Channel, or ::NTV2_INPUT_CROSSPOINT_INVALID upon failure.
@param[in] inChannel Specifies the ::NTV2Channel of interest. Mixer 1 is used for channels 1 & 2, mixer 2 for channels 3 & 4, etc.
@param[in] inIsKey Specify true to obtain the key input crosspoint. Defaults to false (the video input).
@see ::GetMixerBGInputXpt, ::GetMixerOutputXptFromChannel, \ref widget_mixkey
AJAExport NTV2InputXptID GetMixerFGInputXpt (const NTV2Channel inChannel, const bool inIsKey = false);
@return The appropriate mixer's background ::NTV2InputXptID for the given ::NTV2Channel, or ::NTV2_INPUT_CROSSPOINT_INVALID upon failure.
@param[in] inChannel Specifies the ::NTV2Channel of interest. Mixer 1 is used for channels 1 & 2, mixer 2 for channels 3 & 4, etc.
@param[in] inIsKey Specify true to obtain the key input crosspoint. Defaults to false (the video input).
@see ::GetMixerFGInputXpt, ::GetMixerOutputXptFromChannel, \ref widget_mixkey
AJAExport NTV2InputXptID GetMixerBGInputXpt (const NTV2Channel inChannel, const bool inIsKey = false);
@return The appropriate ::NTV2InputXptID for the given TSI Muxer widget, or ::NTV2_INPUT_CROSSPOINT_INVALID upon failure.
@param[in] inTSIMuxer Specifies the 425Mux widget of interest, expressed as an ::NTV2Channel (a zero-based index value).
@param[in] inLinkB Specify true to obtain the "B" input crosspoint. Defaults to false, the "A" input.
AJAExport NTV2InputXptID GetTSIMuxInputXptFromChannel(const NTV2Channel inTSIMuxer, const bool inLinkB = false);
@return The appropriate ::NTV2OutputXptID for the given TSI Muxer, or ::NTV2_OUTPUT_CROSSPOINT_INVALID upon failure.
@param[in] inTSIMuxer Specifies the 425Mux widget of interest, expressed as an ::NTV2Channel (a zero-based index value).
@param[in] inLinkB Specify true to obtain the "B" output crosspoint. Defaults to false, the "A" output.
@param[in] inIsRGB Specify true to obtain the RGB output crosspoint. Defaults to false, the YUV output.
AJAExport NTV2OutputXptID GetTSIMuxOutputXptFromChannel (const NTV2Channel inTSIMuxer, const bool inLinkB = false, const bool inIsRGB = false);
// Stream operators
AJAExport std::ostream & operator << (std::ostream & inOutStream, const CNTV2SignalRouter & inObj);
#if !defined (NTV2_DEPRECATE_12_5)
// Stream operators
AJAExport NTV2_DEPRECATED_f(std::ostream & operator << (std::ostream & inOutStream, const NTV2RoutingEntry & inObj));
AJAExport NTV2_DEPRECATED_f(std::ostream & operator << (std::ostream & inOutStream, const NTV2RoutingTable & inObj));
// Per-widget input crosspoint selection register/mask/shift values
AJAExport NTV2_DEPRECATED_f(const NTV2RoutingEntry & GetFrameBuffer1InputSelectEntry (void)); ///< @deprecated NTV2RoutingEntry is deprecated.
AJAExport NTV2_DEPRECATED_f(const NTV2RoutingEntry & GetFrameBuffer1BInputSelectEntry (void)); ///< @deprecated NTV2RoutingEntry is deprecated.
AJAExport NTV2_DEPRECATED_f(const NTV2RoutingEntry & GetFrameBuffer2InputSelectEntry (void)); ///< @deprecated NTV2RoutingEntry is deprecated.
AJAExport NTV2_DEPRECATED_f(const NTV2RoutingEntry & GetFrameBuffer2BInputSelectEntry (void)); ///< @deprecated NTV2RoutingEntry is deprecated.
AJAExport NTV2_DEPRECATED_f(const NTV2RoutingEntry & GetFrameBuffer3InputSelectEntry (void)); ///< @deprecated NTV2RoutingEntry is deprecated.
AJAExport NTV2_DEPRECATED_f(const NTV2RoutingEntry & GetFrameBuffer3BInputSelectEntry (void)); ///< @deprecated NTV2RoutingEntry is deprecated.
AJAExport NTV2_DEPRECATED_f(const NTV2RoutingEntry & GetFrameBuffer4InputSelectEntry (void)); ///< @deprecated NTV2RoutingEntry is deprecated.
AJAExport NTV2_DEPRECATED_f(const NTV2RoutingEntry & GetFrameBuffer4BInputSelectEntry (void)); ///< @deprecated NTV2RoutingEntry is deprecated.
AJAExport NTV2_DEPRECATED_f(const NTV2RoutingEntry & GetFrameBuffer5InputSelectEntry (void)); ///< @deprecated NTV2RoutingEntry is deprecated.
AJAExport NTV2_DEPRECATED_f(const NTV2RoutingEntry & GetFrameBuffer5BInputSelectEntry (void)); ///< @deprecated NTV2RoutingEntry is deprecated.
AJAExport NTV2_DEPRECATED_f(const NTV2RoutingEntry & GetFrameBuffer6InputSelectEntry (void)); ///< @deprecated NTV2RoutingEntry is deprecated.
AJAExport NTV2_DEPRECATED_f(const NTV2RoutingEntry & GetFrameBuffer6BInputSelectEntry (void)); ///< @deprecated NTV2RoutingEntry is deprecated.
AJAExport NTV2_DEPRECATED_f(const NTV2RoutingEntry & GetFrameBuffer7InputSelectEntry (void)); ///< @deprecated NTV2RoutingEntry is deprecated.
AJAExport NTV2_DEPRECATED_f(const NTV2RoutingEntry & GetFrameBuffer7BInputSelectEntry (void)); ///< @deprecated NTV2RoutingEntry is deprecated.
AJAExport NTV2_DEPRECATED_f(const NTV2RoutingEntry & GetFrameBuffer8InputSelectEntry (void)); ///< @deprecated NTV2RoutingEntry is deprecated.
AJAExport NTV2_DEPRECATED_f(const NTV2RoutingEntry & GetFrameBuffer8BInputSelectEntry (void)); ///< @deprecated NTV2RoutingEntry is deprecated.
AJAExport NTV2_DEPRECATED_f(const NTV2RoutingEntry & GetCSC1VidInputSelectEntry (void)); ///< @deprecated NTV2RoutingEntry is deprecated.
AJAExport NTV2_DEPRECATED_f(const NTV2RoutingEntry & GetCSC1KeyInputSelectEntry (void)); ///< @deprecated NTV2RoutingEntry is deprecated.
AJAExport NTV2_DEPRECATED_f(const NTV2RoutingEntry & GetCSC2VidInputSelectEntry (void)); ///< @deprecated NTV2RoutingEntry is deprecated.
AJAExport NTV2_DEPRECATED_f(const NTV2RoutingEntry & GetCSC2KeyInputSelectEntry (void)); ///< @deprecated NTV2RoutingEntry is deprecated.
AJAExport NTV2_DEPRECATED_f(const NTV2RoutingEntry & GetCSC3VidInputSelectEntry (void)); ///< @deprecated NTV2RoutingEntry is deprecated.
AJAExport NTV2_DEPRECATED_f(const NTV2RoutingEntry & GetCSC3KeyInputSelectEntry (void)); ///< @deprecated NTV2RoutingEntry is deprecated.
AJAExport NTV2_DEPRECATED_f(const NTV2RoutingEntry & GetCSC4VidInputSelectEntry (void)); ///< @deprecated NTV2RoutingEntry is deprecated.
AJAExport NTV2_DEPRECATED_f(const NTV2RoutingEntry & GetCSC4KeyInputSelectEntry (void)); ///< @deprecated NTV2RoutingEntry is deprecated.
AJAExport NTV2_DEPRECATED_f(const NTV2RoutingEntry & GetCSC5VidInputSelectEntry (void)); ///< @deprecated NTV2RoutingEntry is deprecated.
AJAExport NTV2_DEPRECATED_f(const NTV2RoutingEntry & GetCSC5KeyInputSelectEntry (void)); ///< @deprecated NTV2RoutingEntry is deprecated.
AJAExport NTV2_DEPRECATED_f(const NTV2RoutingEntry & GetCSC6VidInputSelectEntry (void)); ///< @deprecated NTV2RoutingEntry is deprecated.
AJAExport NTV2_DEPRECATED_f(const NTV2RoutingEntry & GetCSC6KeyInputSelectEntry (void)); ///< @deprecated NTV2RoutingEntry is deprecated.
AJAExport NTV2_DEPRECATED_f(const NTV2RoutingEntry & GetCSC7VidInputSelectEntry (void)); ///< @deprecated NTV2RoutingEntry is deprecated.
AJAExport NTV2_DEPRECATED_f(const NTV2RoutingEntry & GetCSC7KeyInputSelectEntry (void)); ///< @deprecated NTV2RoutingEntry is deprecated.
AJAExport NTV2_DEPRECATED_f(const NTV2RoutingEntry & GetCSC8VidInputSelectEntry (void)); ///< @deprecated NTV2RoutingEntry is deprecated.
AJAExport NTV2_DEPRECATED_f(const NTV2RoutingEntry & GetCSC8KeyInputSelectEntry (void)); ///< @deprecated NTV2RoutingEntry is deprecated.
AJAExport NTV2_DEPRECATED_f(const NTV2RoutingEntry & GetLUT1InputSelectEntry (void)); ///< @deprecated NTV2RoutingEntry is deprecated.
AJAExport NTV2_DEPRECATED_f(const NTV2RoutingEntry & GetLUT2InputSelectEntry (void)); ///< @deprecated NTV2RoutingEntry is deprecated.
AJAExport NTV2_DEPRECATED_f(const NTV2RoutingEntry & GetLUT3InputSelectEntry (void)); ///< @deprecated NTV2RoutingEntry is deprecated.
AJAExport NTV2_DEPRECATED_f(const NTV2RoutingEntry & GetLUT4InputSelectEntry (void)); ///< @deprecated NTV2RoutingEntry is deprecated.
AJAExport NTV2_DEPRECATED_f(const NTV2RoutingEntry & GetLUT5InputSelectEntry (void)); ///< @deprecated NTV2RoutingEntry is deprecated.
AJAExport NTV2_DEPRECATED_f(const NTV2RoutingEntry & GetLUT6InputSelectEntry (void)); ///< @deprecated NTV2RoutingEntry is deprecated.
AJAExport NTV2_DEPRECATED_f(const NTV2RoutingEntry & GetLUT7InputSelectEntry (void)); ///< @deprecated NTV2RoutingEntry is deprecated.
AJAExport NTV2_DEPRECATED_f(const NTV2RoutingEntry & GetLUT8InputSelectEntry (void)); ///< @deprecated NTV2RoutingEntry is deprecated.
AJAExport NTV2_DEPRECATED_f(const NTV2RoutingEntry & GetSDIOut1StandardSelectEntry (void)); ///< @deprecated NTV2RoutingEntry is deprecated.
AJAExport NTV2_DEPRECATED_f(const NTV2RoutingEntry & GetSDIOut2StandardSelectEntry (void)); ///< @deprecated NTV2RoutingEntry is deprecated.
AJAExport NTV2_DEPRECATED_f(const NTV2RoutingEntry & GetSDIOut3StandardSelectEntry (void)); ///< @deprecated NTV2RoutingEntry is deprecated.
AJAExport NTV2_DEPRECATED_f(const NTV2RoutingEntry & GetSDIOut4StandardSelectEntry (void)); ///< @deprecated NTV2RoutingEntry is deprecated.
AJAExport NTV2_DEPRECATED_f(const NTV2RoutingEntry & GetSDIOut1InputSelectEntry (void)); ///< @deprecated NTV2RoutingEntry is deprecated.
AJAExport NTV2_DEPRECATED_f(const NTV2RoutingEntry & GetSDIOut1InputDS2SelectEntry (void)); ///< @deprecated NTV2RoutingEntry is deprecated.
AJAExport NTV2_DEPRECATED_f(const NTV2RoutingEntry & GetSDIOut2InputSelectEntry (void)); ///< @deprecated NTV2RoutingEntry is deprecated.
AJAExport NTV2_DEPRECATED_f(const NTV2RoutingEntry & GetSDIOut2InputDS2SelectEntry (void)); ///< @deprecated NTV2RoutingEntry is deprecated.
AJAExport NTV2_DEPRECATED_f(const NTV2RoutingEntry & GetSDIOut3InputSelectEntry (void)); ///< @deprecated NTV2RoutingEntry is deprecated.
AJAExport NTV2_DEPRECATED_f(const NTV2RoutingEntry & GetSDIOut3InputDS2SelectEntry (void)); ///< @deprecated NTV2RoutingEntry is deprecated.
AJAExport NTV2_DEPRECATED_f(const NTV2RoutingEntry & GetSDIOut4InputSelectEntry (void)); ///< @deprecated NTV2RoutingEntry is deprecated.
AJAExport NTV2_DEPRECATED_f(const NTV2RoutingEntry & GetSDIOut4InputDS2SelectEntry (void)); ///< @deprecated NTV2RoutingEntry is deprecated.
AJAExport NTV2_DEPRECATED_f(const NTV2RoutingEntry & GetSDIOut5InputSelectEntry (void)); ///< @deprecated NTV2RoutingEntry is deprecated.
AJAExport NTV2_DEPRECATED_f(const NTV2RoutingEntry & GetSDIOut5InputDS2SelectEntry (void)); ///< @deprecated NTV2RoutingEntry is deprecated.
AJAExport NTV2_DEPRECATED_f(const NTV2RoutingEntry & GetSDIOut6InputSelectEntry (void)); ///< @deprecated NTV2RoutingEntry is deprecated.
AJAExport NTV2_DEPRECATED_f(const NTV2RoutingEntry & GetSDIOut6InputDS2SelectEntry (void)); ///< @deprecated NTV2RoutingEntry is deprecated.
AJAExport NTV2_DEPRECATED_f(const NTV2RoutingEntry & GetSDIOut7InputSelectEntry (void)); ///< @deprecated NTV2RoutingEntry is deprecated.
AJAExport NTV2_DEPRECATED_f(const NTV2RoutingEntry & GetSDIOut7InputDS2SelectEntry (void)); ///< @deprecated NTV2RoutingEntry is deprecated.
AJAExport NTV2_DEPRECATED_f(const NTV2RoutingEntry & GetSDIOut8InputSelectEntry (void)); ///< @deprecated NTV2RoutingEntry is deprecated.
AJAExport NTV2_DEPRECATED_f(const NTV2RoutingEntry & GetSDIOut8InputDS2SelectEntry (void)); ///< @deprecated NTV2RoutingEntry is deprecated.
AJAExport NTV2_DEPRECATED_f(const NTV2RoutingEntry & GetDualLinkIn1InputSelectEntry (void)); ///< @deprecated NTV2RoutingEntry is deprecated.
AJAExport NTV2_DEPRECATED_f(const NTV2RoutingEntry & GetDualLinkIn1DSInputSelectEntry (void)); ///< @deprecated NTV2RoutingEntry is deprecated.
AJAExport NTV2_DEPRECATED_f(const NTV2RoutingEntry & GetDualLinkIn2InputSelectEntry (void)); ///< @deprecated NTV2RoutingEntry is deprecated.
AJAExport NTV2_DEPRECATED_f(const NTV2RoutingEntry & GetDualLinkIn2DSInputSelectEntry (void)); ///< @deprecated NTV2RoutingEntry is deprecated.
AJAExport NTV2_DEPRECATED_f(const NTV2RoutingEntry & GetDualLinkIn3InputSelectEntry (void)); ///< @deprecated NTV2RoutingEntry is deprecated.
AJAExport NTV2_DEPRECATED_f(const NTV2RoutingEntry & GetDualLinkIn3DSInputSelectEntry (void)); ///< @deprecated NTV2RoutingEntry is deprecated.
AJAExport NTV2_DEPRECATED_f(const NTV2RoutingEntry & GetDualLinkIn4InputSelectEntry (void)); ///< @deprecated NTV2RoutingEntry is deprecated.
AJAExport NTV2_DEPRECATED_f(const NTV2RoutingEntry & GetDualLinkIn4DSInputSelectEntry (void)); ///< @deprecated NTV2RoutingEntry is deprecated.
AJAExport NTV2_DEPRECATED_f(const NTV2RoutingEntry & GetDualLinkIn5InputSelectEntry (void)); ///< @deprecated NTV2RoutingEntry is deprecated.
AJAExport NTV2_DEPRECATED_f(const NTV2RoutingEntry & GetDualLinkIn5DSInputSelectEntry (void)); ///< @deprecated NTV2RoutingEntry is deprecated.
AJAExport NTV2_DEPRECATED_f(const NTV2RoutingEntry & GetDualLinkIn6InputSelectEntry (void)); ///< @deprecated NTV2RoutingEntry is deprecated.
AJAExport NTV2_DEPRECATED_f(const NTV2RoutingEntry & GetDualLinkIn6DSInputSelectEntry (void)); ///< @deprecated NTV2RoutingEntry is deprecated.
AJAExport NTV2_DEPRECATED_f(const NTV2RoutingEntry & GetDualLinkIn7InputSelectEntry (void)); ///< @deprecated NTV2RoutingEntry is deprecated.
AJAExport NTV2_DEPRECATED_f(const NTV2RoutingEntry & GetDualLinkIn7DSInputSelectEntry (void)); ///< @deprecated NTV2RoutingEntry is deprecated.
AJAExport NTV2_DEPRECATED_f(const NTV2RoutingEntry & GetDualLinkIn8InputSelectEntry (void)); ///< @deprecated NTV2RoutingEntry is deprecated.
AJAExport NTV2_DEPRECATED_f(const NTV2RoutingEntry & GetDualLinkIn8DSInputSelectEntry (void)); ///< @deprecated NTV2RoutingEntry is deprecated.
AJAExport NTV2_DEPRECATED_f(const NTV2RoutingEntry & GetDualLinkOut1InputSelectEntry (void)); ///< @deprecated NTV2RoutingEntry is deprecated.
AJAExport NTV2_DEPRECATED_f(const NTV2RoutingEntry & GetDualLinkOut2InputSelectEntry (void)); ///< @deprecated NTV2RoutingEntry is deprecated.
AJAExport NTV2_DEPRECATED_f(const NTV2RoutingEntry & GetDualLinkOut3InputSelectEntry (void)); ///< @deprecated NTV2RoutingEntry is deprecated.
AJAExport NTV2_DEPRECATED_f(const NTV2RoutingEntry & GetDualLinkOut4InputSelectEntry (void)); ///< @deprecated NTV2RoutingEntry is deprecated.
AJAExport NTV2_DEPRECATED_f(const NTV2RoutingEntry & GetDualLinkOut5InputSelectEntry (void)); ///< @deprecated NTV2RoutingEntry is deprecated.
AJAExport NTV2_DEPRECATED_f(const NTV2RoutingEntry & GetDualLinkOut6InputSelectEntry (void)); ///< @deprecated NTV2RoutingEntry is deprecated.
AJAExport NTV2_DEPRECATED_f(const NTV2RoutingEntry & GetDualLinkOut7InputSelectEntry (void)); ///< @deprecated NTV2RoutingEntry is deprecated.
AJAExport NTV2_DEPRECATED_f(const NTV2RoutingEntry & GetDualLinkOut8InputSelectEntry (void)); ///< @deprecated NTV2RoutingEntry is deprecated.
AJAExport NTV2_DEPRECATED_f(const NTV2RoutingEntry & GetMixer1BGKeyInputSelectEntry (void)); ///< @deprecated NTV2RoutingEntry is deprecated.
AJAExport NTV2_DEPRECATED_f(const NTV2RoutingEntry & GetMixer1BGVidInputSelectEntry (void)); ///< @deprecated NTV2RoutingEntry is deprecated.
AJAExport NTV2_DEPRECATED_f(const NTV2RoutingEntry & GetMixer1FGKeyInputSelectEntry (void)); ///< @deprecated NTV2RoutingEntry is deprecated.
AJAExport NTV2_DEPRECATED_f(const NTV2RoutingEntry & GetMixer1FGVidInputSelectEntry (void)); ///< @deprecated NTV2RoutingEntry is deprecated.
AJAExport NTV2_DEPRECATED_f(const NTV2RoutingEntry & GetMixer2BGKeyInputSelectEntry (void)); ///< @deprecated NTV2RoutingEntry is deprecated.
AJAExport NTV2_DEPRECATED_f(const NTV2RoutingEntry & GetMixer2BGVidInputSelectEntry (void)); ///< @deprecated NTV2RoutingEntry is deprecated.
AJAExport NTV2_DEPRECATED_f(const NTV2RoutingEntry & GetMixer2FGKeyInputSelectEntry (void)); ///< @deprecated NTV2RoutingEntry is deprecated.
AJAExport NTV2_DEPRECATED_f(const NTV2RoutingEntry & GetMixer2FGVidInputSelectEntry (void)); ///< @deprecated NTV2RoutingEntry is deprecated.
AJAExport NTV2_DEPRECATED_f(const NTV2RoutingEntry & GetMixer3BGKeyInputSelectEntry (void)); ///< @deprecated NTV2RoutingEntry is deprecated.
AJAExport NTV2_DEPRECATED_f(const NTV2RoutingEntry & GetMixer3BGVidInputSelectEntry (void)); ///< @deprecated NTV2RoutingEntry is deprecated.
AJAExport NTV2_DEPRECATED_f(const NTV2RoutingEntry & GetMixer3FGKeyInputSelectEntry (void)); ///< @deprecated NTV2RoutingEntry is deprecated.
AJAExport NTV2_DEPRECATED_f(const NTV2RoutingEntry & GetMixer3FGVidInputSelectEntry (void)); ///< @deprecated NTV2RoutingEntry is deprecated.
AJAExport NTV2_DEPRECATED_f(const NTV2RoutingEntry & GetMixer4BGKeyInputSelectEntry (void)); ///< @deprecated NTV2RoutingEntry is deprecated.
AJAExport NTV2_DEPRECATED_f(const NTV2RoutingEntry & GetMixer4BGVidInputSelectEntry (void)); ///< @deprecated NTV2RoutingEntry is deprecated.
AJAExport NTV2_DEPRECATED_f(const NTV2RoutingEntry & GetMixer4FGKeyInputSelectEntry (void)); ///< @deprecated NTV2RoutingEntry is deprecated.
AJAExport NTV2_DEPRECATED_f(const NTV2RoutingEntry & GetMixer4FGVidInputSelectEntry (void)); ///< @deprecated NTV2RoutingEntry is deprecated.
AJAExport NTV2_DEPRECATED_f(const NTV2RoutingEntry & GetHDMIOutInputSelectEntry (void)); ///< @deprecated NTV2RoutingEntry is deprecated.
AJAExport NTV2_DEPRECATED_f(const NTV2RoutingEntry & GetHDMIOutQ1InputSelectEntry (void)); ///< @deprecated NTV2RoutingEntry is deprecated.
AJAExport NTV2_DEPRECATED_f(const NTV2RoutingEntry & GetHDMIOutQ2InputSelectEntry (void)); ///< @deprecated NTV2RoutingEntry is deprecated.
AJAExport NTV2_DEPRECATED_f(const NTV2RoutingEntry & GetHDMIOutQ3InputSelectEntry (void)); ///< @deprecated NTV2RoutingEntry is deprecated.
AJAExport NTV2_DEPRECATED_f(const NTV2RoutingEntry & GetHDMIOutQ4InputSelectEntry (void)); ///< @deprecated NTV2RoutingEntry is deprecated.
AJAExport NTV2_DEPRECATED_f(const NTV2RoutingEntry & GetXpt4KDCQ1InputSelectEntry (void)); ///< @deprecated NTV2RoutingEntry is deprecated.
AJAExport NTV2_DEPRECATED_f(const NTV2RoutingEntry & GetXpt4KDCQ2InputSelectEntry (void)); ///< @deprecated NTV2RoutingEntry is deprecated.
AJAExport NTV2_DEPRECATED_f(const NTV2RoutingEntry & GetXpt4KDCQ3InputSelectEntry (void)); ///< @deprecated NTV2RoutingEntry is deprecated.
AJAExport NTV2_DEPRECATED_f(const NTV2RoutingEntry & GetXpt4KDCQ4InputSelectEntry (void)); ///< @deprecated NTV2RoutingEntry is deprecated.
AJAExport NTV2_DEPRECATED_f(const NTV2RoutingEntry & Get425Mux1AInputSelectEntry (void)); ///< @deprecated NTV2RoutingEntry is deprecated.
AJAExport NTV2_DEPRECATED_f(const NTV2RoutingEntry & Get425Mux1BInputSelectEntry (void)); ///< @deprecated NTV2RoutingEntry is deprecated.
AJAExport NTV2_DEPRECATED_f(const NTV2RoutingEntry & Get425Mux2AInputSelectEntry (void)); ///< @deprecated NTV2RoutingEntry is deprecated.
AJAExport NTV2_DEPRECATED_f(const NTV2RoutingEntry & Get425Mux2BInputSelectEntry (void)); ///< @deprecated NTV2RoutingEntry is deprecated.
AJAExport NTV2_DEPRECATED_f(const NTV2RoutingEntry & Get425Mux3AInputSelectEntry (void)); ///< @deprecated NTV2RoutingEntry is deprecated.
AJAExport NTV2_DEPRECATED_f(const NTV2RoutingEntry & Get425Mux3BInputSelectEntry (void)); ///< @deprecated NTV2RoutingEntry is deprecated.
AJAExport NTV2_DEPRECATED_f(const NTV2RoutingEntry & Get425Mux4AInputSelectEntry (void)); ///< @deprecated NTV2RoutingEntry is deprecated.
AJAExport NTV2_DEPRECATED_f(const NTV2RoutingEntry & Get425Mux4BInputSelectEntry (void)); ///< @deprecated NTV2RoutingEntry is deprecated.
AJAExport NTV2_DEPRECATED_f(const NTV2RoutingEntry & GetAnalogOutInputSelectEntry (void)); ///< @deprecated NTV2RoutingEntry is deprecated.
AJAExport NTV2_DEPRECATED_f(const NTV2RoutingEntry & GetIICT2InputSelectEntry (void)); ///< @deprecated NTV2RoutingEntry is deprecated.
AJAExport NTV2_DEPRECATED_f(const NTV2RoutingEntry & GetAnalogOutCompositeOutSelectEntry(void)); ///< @deprecated NTV2RoutingEntry is deprecated.
AJAExport NTV2_DEPRECATED_f(const NTV2RoutingEntry & GetStereoLeftInputSelectEntry (void)); ///< @deprecated NTV2RoutingEntry is deprecated.
AJAExport NTV2_DEPRECATED_f(const NTV2RoutingEntry & GetStereoRightInputSelectEntry (void)); ///< @deprecated NTV2RoutingEntry is deprecated.
AJAExport NTV2_DEPRECATED_f(const NTV2RoutingEntry & GetProAmpInputSelectEntry (void)); ///< @deprecated NTV2RoutingEntry is deprecated.
AJAExport NTV2_DEPRECATED_f(const NTV2RoutingEntry & GetIICT1InputSelectEntry (void)); ///< @deprecated NTV2RoutingEntry is deprecated.
AJAExport NTV2_DEPRECATED_f(const NTV2RoutingEntry & GetWaterMarker1InputSelectEntry (void)); ///< @deprecated NTV2RoutingEntry is deprecated.
AJAExport NTV2_DEPRECATED_f(const NTV2RoutingEntry & GetWaterMarker2InputSelectEntry (void)); ///< @deprecated NTV2RoutingEntry is deprecated.
AJAExport NTV2_DEPRECATED_f(const NTV2RoutingEntry & GetUpdateRegisterSelectEntry (void)); ///< @deprecated NTV2RoutingEntry is deprecated.
AJAExport NTV2_DEPRECATED_f(const NTV2RoutingEntry & GetConversionMod2InputSelectEntry (void)); ///< @deprecated NTV2RoutingEntry is deprecated.
AJAExport NTV2_DEPRECATED_f(const NTV2RoutingEntry & GetCompressionModInputSelectEntry (void)); ///< @deprecated NTV2RoutingEntry is deprecated.
AJAExport NTV2_DEPRECATED_f(const NTV2RoutingEntry & GetConversionModInputSelectEntry (void)); ///< @deprecated NTV2RoutingEntry is deprecated.
AJAExport NTV2_DEPRECATED_f(const NTV2RoutingEntry & GetCSC1KeyFromInput2SelectEntry (void)); ///< @deprecated NTV2RoutingEntry is deprecated.
AJAExport NTV2_DEPRECATED_f(const NTV2RoutingEntry & GetFrameSync2InputSelectEntry (void)); ///< @deprecated NTV2RoutingEntry is deprecated.
AJAExport NTV2_DEPRECATED_f(const NTV2RoutingEntry & GetFrameSync1InputSelectEntry (void)); ///< @deprecated NTV2RoutingEntry is deprecated.
#endif // !defined (NTV2_DEPRECATE_12_5)
#if !defined (NTV2_DEPRECATE)
typedef CNTV2SignalRouter CXena2Routing; ///< @deprecated Use CNTV2SignalRouter instead.
#define GetXptLUTInputSelectEntry GetLUT1InputSelectEntry
#define GetDuallinkIn1InputSelectEntry GetDualLinkIn1InputSelectEntry
#define DuallinkIn1InputSelectEntry DualLinkIn1InputSelectEntry
#define DuallinkOutInputSelectEntry DualLinkOut1InputSelectEntry
#define GetDuallinkOutInputSelectEntry GetDualLinkOut1InputSelectEntry
#define DuallinkOut2InputSelectEntry DualLinkOut2InputSelectEntry
#define GetDuallinkOut2InputSelectEntry GetDualLinkOut2InputSelectEntry
#define DuallinkOut3InputSelectEntry DualLinkOut3InputSelectEntry
#define GetDuallinkOut3InputSelectEntry GetDualLinkOut3InputSelectEntry
#define DuallinkOut4InputSelectEntry DualLinkOut4InputSelectEntry
#define GetDuallinkOut4InputSelectEntry GetDualLinkOut4InputSelectEntry
#define DuallinkOut5InputSelectEntry DualLinkOut5InputSelectEntry
#define GetDuallinkOut5InputSelectEntry GetDualLinkOut5InputSelectEntry
#define DuallinkOut6InputSelectEntry DualLinkOut6InputSelectEntry
#define GetDuallinkOut6InputSelectEntry GetDualLinkOut6InputSelectEntry
#define DuallinkOut7InputSelectEntry DualLinkOut7InputSelectEntry
#define GetDuallinkOut7InputSelectEntry GetDualLinkOut7InputSelectEntry
#define DuallinkOut8InputSelectEntry DualLinkOut8InputSelectEntry
#define GetDuallinkOut8InputSelectEntry GetDualLinkOut8InputSelectEntry
#define MixerBGKeyInputSelectEntry Mixer1BGKeyInputSelectEntry
#define MixerBGVidInputSelectEntry Mixer1BGVidInputSelectEntry
#define MixerFGKeyInputSelectEntry Mixer1FGKeyInputSelectEntry
#define MixerFGVidInputSelectEntry Mixer1FGVidInputSelectEntry
#define GetMixerBGKeyInputSelectEntry GetMixer1BGKeyInputSelectEntry
#define GetMixerBGVidInputSelectEntry GetMixer1BGVidInputSelectEntry
#define GetMixerFGKeyInputSelectEntry GetMixer1FGKeyInputSelectEntry
#define GetMixerFGVidInputSelectEntry GetMixer1FGVidInputSelectEntry
#define XptLUTInputSelectEntry LUT1InputSelectEntry
#define XptLUT2InputSelectEntry LUT2InputSelectEntry
#define XptLUT3InputSelectEntry LUT3InputSelectEntry
#define XptLUT4InputSelectEntry LUT4InputSelectEntry
#define XptLUT5InputSelectEntry LUT5InputSelectEntry
#define XptLUT6InputSelectEntry LUT6InputSelectEntry
#define XptLUT7InputSelectEntry LUT7InputSelectEntry
#define XptLUT8InputSelectEntry LUT8InputSelectEntry
#define GetXptLUT1InputSelectEntry GetLUT1InputSelectEntry
#define GetXptLUT2InputSelectEntry GetLUT2InputSelectEntry
#define GetXptLUT3InputSelectEntry GetLUT3InputSelectEntry
#define GetXptLUT4InputSelectEntry GetLUT4InputSelectEntry
#define GetXptLUT5InputSelectEntry GetLUT5InputSelectEntry
#define GetXptLUT6InputSelectEntry GetLUT6InputSelectEntry
#define GetXptLUT7InputSelectEntry GetLUT7InputSelectEntry
#define GetXptLUT8InputSelectEntry GetLUT8InputSelectEntry
extern NTV2_DEPRECATED_v(const NTV2RoutingEntry FrameBuffer1InputSelectEntry); ///< @deprecated Use GetFrameBuffer1InputSelectEntry instead.
extern NTV2_DEPRECATED_v(const NTV2RoutingEntry FrameBuffer2InputSelectEntry); ///< @deprecated Use GetFrameBuffer2InputSelectEntry instead.
extern NTV2_DEPRECATED_v(const NTV2RoutingEntry FrameBuffer3InputSelectEntry); ///< @deprecated Use GetFrameBuffer3InputSelectEntry instead.
extern NTV2_DEPRECATED_v(const NTV2RoutingEntry FrameBuffer4InputSelectEntry); ///< @deprecated Use GetFrameBuffer4InputSelectEntry instead.
extern NTV2_DEPRECATED_v(const NTV2RoutingEntry FrameBuffer5InputSelectEntry); ///< @deprecated Use GetFrameBuffer5InputSelectEntry instead.
extern NTV2_DEPRECATED_v(const NTV2RoutingEntry FrameBuffer6InputSelectEntry); ///< @deprecated Use GetFrameBuffer6InputSelectEntry instead.
extern NTV2_DEPRECATED_v(const NTV2RoutingEntry FrameBuffer7InputSelectEntry); ///< @deprecated Use GetFrameBuffer7InputSelectEntry instead.
extern NTV2_DEPRECATED_v(const NTV2RoutingEntry FrameBuffer8InputSelectEntry); ///< @deprecated Use GetFrameBuffer8InputSelectEntry instead.
extern NTV2_DEPRECATED_v(const NTV2RoutingEntry CSC1VidInputSelectEntry); ///< @deprecated Use GetCSC1VidInputSelectEntry instead.
extern NTV2_DEPRECATED_v(const NTV2RoutingEntry CSC1KeyInputSelectEntry); ///< @deprecated Use GetCSC1KeyInputSelectEntry instead.
extern NTV2_DEPRECATED_v(const NTV2RoutingEntry CSC2VidInputSelectEntry); ///< @deprecated Use GetCSC2VidInputSelectEntry instead.
extern NTV2_DEPRECATED_v(const NTV2RoutingEntry CSC2KeyInputSelectEntry); ///< @deprecated Use GetCSC2KeyInputSelectEntry instead.
extern NTV2_DEPRECATED_v(const NTV2RoutingEntry CSC3VidInputSelectEntry); ///< @deprecated Use GetCSC3VidInputSelectEntry instead.
extern NTV2_DEPRECATED_v(const NTV2RoutingEntry CSC3KeyInputSelectEntry); ///< @deprecated Use GetCSC3KeyInputSelectEntry instead.
extern NTV2_DEPRECATED_v(const NTV2RoutingEntry CSC4VidInputSelectEntry); ///< @deprecated Use GetCSC4VidInputSelectEntry instead.
extern NTV2_DEPRECATED_v(const NTV2RoutingEntry CSC4KeyInputSelectEntry); ///< @deprecated Use GetCSC4KeyInputSelectEntry instead.
extern NTV2_DEPRECATED_v(const NTV2RoutingEntry CSC5VidInputSelectEntry); ///< @deprecated Use GetCSC5VidInputSelectEntry instead.
extern NTV2_DEPRECATED_v(const NTV2RoutingEntry CSC5KeyInputSelectEntry); ///< @deprecated Use GetCSC5KeyInputSelectEntry instead.
extern NTV2_DEPRECATED_v(const NTV2RoutingEntry CSC6VidInputSelectEntry); ///< @deprecated Use GetCSC6VidInputSelectEntry instead.
extern NTV2_DEPRECATED_v(const NTV2RoutingEntry CSC6KeyInputSelectEntry); ///< @deprecated Use GetCSC6KeyInputSelectEntry instead.
extern NTV2_DEPRECATED_v(const NTV2RoutingEntry CSC7VidInputSelectEntry); ///< @deprecated Use GetCSC7VidInputSelectEntry instead.
extern NTV2_DEPRECATED_v(const NTV2RoutingEntry CSC7KeyInputSelectEntry); ///< @deprecated Use GetCSC7KeyInputSelectEntry instead.
extern NTV2_DEPRECATED_v(const NTV2RoutingEntry CSC8VidInputSelectEntry); ///< @deprecated Use GetCSC8VidInputSelectEntry instead.
extern NTV2_DEPRECATED_v(const NTV2RoutingEntry CSC8KeyInputSelectEntry); ///< @deprecated Use GetCSC8KeyInputSelectEntry instead.
extern NTV2_DEPRECATED_v(const NTV2RoutingEntry XptLUTInputSelectEntry); ///< @deprecated Use GetLUT1InputSelectEntry instead.
extern NTV2_DEPRECATED_v(const NTV2RoutingEntry XptLUT2InputSelectEntry); ///< @deprecated Use GetLUT2InputSelectEntry instead.
extern NTV2_DEPRECATED_v(const NTV2RoutingEntry XptLUT3InputSelectEntry); ///< @deprecated Use GetLUT3InputSelectEntry instead.
extern NTV2_DEPRECATED_v(const NTV2RoutingEntry XptLUT4InputSelectEntry); ///< @deprecated Use GetLUT4InputSelectEntry instead.
extern NTV2_DEPRECATED_v(const NTV2RoutingEntry XptLUT5InputSelectEntry); ///< @deprecated Use GetLUT5InputSelectEntry instead.
extern NTV2_DEPRECATED_v(const NTV2RoutingEntry XptLUT6InputSelectEntry); ///< @deprecated Use GetLUT6InputSelectEntry instead.
extern NTV2_DEPRECATED_v(const NTV2RoutingEntry XptLUT7InputSelectEntry); ///< @deprecated Use GetLUT7InputSelectEntry instead.
extern NTV2_DEPRECATED_v(const NTV2RoutingEntry XptLUT8InputSelectEntry); ///< @deprecated Use GetLUT8InputSelectEntry instead.
extern NTV2_DEPRECATED_v(const NTV2RoutingEntry SDIOut1StandardSelectEntry); ///< @deprecated Use GetSDIOut1StandardSelectEntry instead.
extern NTV2_DEPRECATED_v(const NTV2RoutingEntry SDIOut2StandardSelectEntry); ///< @deprecated Use GetSDIOut2StandardSelectEntry instead.
extern NTV2_DEPRECATED_v(const NTV2RoutingEntry SDIOut3StandardSelectEntry); ///< @deprecated Use GetSDIOut3StandardSelectEntry instead.
extern NTV2_DEPRECATED_v(const NTV2RoutingEntry SDIOut4StandardSelectEntry); ///< @deprecated Use GetSDIOut4StandardSelectEntry instead.
extern NTV2_DEPRECATED_v(const NTV2RoutingEntry SDIOut1InputSelectEntry); ///< @deprecated Use GetSDIOut1InputSelectEntry instead.
extern NTV2_DEPRECATED_v(const NTV2RoutingEntry SDIOut1InputDS2SelectEntry); ///< @deprecated Use GetSDIOut1InputDS2SelectEntry instead.
extern NTV2_DEPRECATED_v(const NTV2RoutingEntry SDIOut2InputSelectEntry); ///< @deprecated Use GetSDIOut2InputSelectEntry instead.
extern NTV2_DEPRECATED_v(const NTV2RoutingEntry SDIOut2InputDS2SelectEntry); ///< @deprecated Use GetSDIOut2InputDS2SelectEntry instead.
extern NTV2_DEPRECATED_v(const NTV2RoutingEntry SDIOut3InputSelectEntry); ///< @deprecated Use GetSDIOut3InputSelectEntry instead.
extern NTV2_DEPRECATED_v(const NTV2RoutingEntry SDIOut3InputDS2SelectEntry); ///< @deprecated Use GetSDIOut3InputDS2SelectEntry instead.
extern NTV2_DEPRECATED_v(const NTV2RoutingEntry SDIOut4InputSelectEntry); ///< @deprecated Use GetSDIOut4InputSelectEntry instead.
extern NTV2_DEPRECATED_v(const NTV2RoutingEntry SDIOut4InputDS2SelectEntry); ///< @deprecated Use GetSDIOut4InputDS2SelectEntry instead.
extern NTV2_DEPRECATED_v(const NTV2RoutingEntry SDIOut5InputSelectEntry); ///< @deprecated Use GetSDIOut5InputSelectEntry instead.
extern NTV2_DEPRECATED_v(const NTV2RoutingEntry SDIOut5InputDS2SelectEntry); ///< @deprecated Use GetSDIOut5InputDS2SelectEntry instead.
extern NTV2_DEPRECATED_v(const NTV2RoutingEntry SDIOut6InputSelectEntry); ///< @deprecated Use GetSDIOut6InputSelectEntry instead.
extern NTV2_DEPRECATED_v(const NTV2RoutingEntry SDIOut6InputDS2SelectEntry); ///< @deprecated Use GetSDIOut6InputDS2SelectEntry instead.
extern NTV2_DEPRECATED_v(const NTV2RoutingEntry SDIOut7InputSelectEntry); ///< @deprecated Use GetSDIOut7InputSelectEntry instead.
extern NTV2_DEPRECATED_v(const NTV2RoutingEntry SDIOut7InputDS2SelectEntry); ///< @deprecated Use GetSDIOut7InputDS2SelectEntry instead.
extern NTV2_DEPRECATED_v(const NTV2RoutingEntry SDIOut8InputSelectEntry); ///< @deprecated Use GetSDIOut8InputSelectEntry instead.
extern NTV2_DEPRECATED_v(const NTV2RoutingEntry SDIOut8InputDS2SelectEntry); ///< @deprecated Use GetSDIOut8InputDS2SelectEntry instead.
extern NTV2_DEPRECATED_v(const NTV2RoutingEntry DualLinkIn1InputSelectEntry); ///< @deprecated Use GetDualLinkIn1InputSelectEntry instead.
extern NTV2_DEPRECATED_v(const NTV2RoutingEntry DualLinkIn1DSInputSelectEntry); ///< @deprecated Use GetDualLinkIn1DSInputSelectEntry instead.
extern NTV2_DEPRECATED_v(const NTV2RoutingEntry DualLinkIn2InputSelectEntry); ///< @deprecated Use GetDualLinkIn2InputSelectEntry instead.
extern NTV2_DEPRECATED_v(const NTV2RoutingEntry DualLinkIn2DSInputSelectEntry); ///< @deprecated Use GetDualLinkIn2DSInputSelectEntry instead.
extern NTV2_DEPRECATED_v(const NTV2RoutingEntry DualLinkIn3InputSelectEntry); ///< @deprecated Use GetDualLinkIn3InputSelectEntry instead.
extern NTV2_DEPRECATED_v(const NTV2RoutingEntry DualLinkIn3DSInputSelectEntry); ///< @deprecated Use GetDualLinkIn3DSInputSelectEntry instead.
extern NTV2_DEPRECATED_v(const NTV2RoutingEntry DualLinkIn4InputSelectEntry); ///< @deprecated Use GetDualLinkIn4InputSelectEntry instead.
extern NTV2_DEPRECATED_v(const NTV2RoutingEntry DualLinkIn4DSInputSelectEntry); ///< @deprecated Use GetDualLinkIn4DSInputSelectEntry instead.
extern NTV2_DEPRECATED_v(const NTV2RoutingEntry DualLinkIn5InputSelectEntry); ///< @deprecated Use GetDualLinkIn5InputSelectEntry instead.
extern NTV2_DEPRECATED_v(const NTV2RoutingEntry DualLinkIn5DSInputSelectEntry); ///< @deprecated Use GetDualLinkIn5DSInputSelectEntry instead.
extern NTV2_DEPRECATED_v(const NTV2RoutingEntry DualLinkIn6InputSelectEntry); ///< @deprecated Use GetDualLinkIn6InputSelectEntry instead.
extern NTV2_DEPRECATED_v(const NTV2RoutingEntry DualLinkIn6DSInputSelectEntry); ///< @deprecated Use GetDualLinkIn6DSInputSelectEntry instead.
extern NTV2_DEPRECATED_v(const NTV2RoutingEntry DualLinkIn7InputSelectEntry); ///< @deprecated Use GetDualLinkIn7InputSelectEntry instead.
extern NTV2_DEPRECATED_v(const NTV2RoutingEntry DualLinkIn7DSInputSelectEntry); ///< @deprecated Use GetDualLinkIn7DSInputSelectEntry instead.
extern NTV2_DEPRECATED_v(const NTV2RoutingEntry DualLinkIn8InputSelectEntry); ///< @deprecated Use GetDualLinkIn8InputSelectEntry instead.
extern NTV2_DEPRECATED_v(const NTV2RoutingEntry DualLinkIn8DSInputSelectEntry); ///< @deprecated Use GetDualLinkIn8DSInputSelectEntry instead.
extern NTV2_DEPRECATED_v(const NTV2RoutingEntry DualLinkOut1InputSelectEntry); ///< @deprecated Use GetDualLinkOut1InputSelectEntry instead.
extern NTV2_DEPRECATED_v(const NTV2RoutingEntry DualLinkOut2InputSelectEntry); ///< @deprecated Use GetDualLinkOut2InputSelectEntry instead.
extern NTV2_DEPRECATED_v(const NTV2RoutingEntry DualLinkOut3InputSelectEntry); ///< @deprecated Use GetDualLinkOut3InputSelectEntry instead.
extern NTV2_DEPRECATED_v(const NTV2RoutingEntry DualLinkOut4InputSelectEntry); ///< @deprecated Use GetDualLinkOut4InputSelectEntry instead.
extern NTV2_DEPRECATED_v(const NTV2RoutingEntry DualLinkOut5InputSelectEntry); ///< @deprecated Use GetDualLinkOut5InputSelectEntry instead.
extern NTV2_DEPRECATED_v(const NTV2RoutingEntry DualLinkOut6InputSelectEntry); ///< @deprecated Use GetDualLinkOut6InputSelectEntry instead.
extern NTV2_DEPRECATED_v(const NTV2RoutingEntry DualLinkOut7InputSelectEntry); ///< @deprecated Use GetDualLinkOut7InputSelectEntry instead.
extern NTV2_DEPRECATED_v(const NTV2RoutingEntry DualLinkOut8InputSelectEntry); ///< @deprecated Use GetDualLinkOut8InputSelectEntry instead.
extern NTV2_DEPRECATED_v(const NTV2RoutingEntry Mixer1BGKeyInputSelectEntry); ///< @deprecated Use GetMixer1BGKeyInputSelectEntry instead.
extern NTV2_DEPRECATED_v(const NTV2RoutingEntry Mixer1BGVidInputSelectEntry); ///< @deprecated Use GetMixer1BGVidInputSelectEntry instead.
extern NTV2_DEPRECATED_v(const NTV2RoutingEntry Mixer1FGKeyInputSelectEntry); ///< @deprecated Use GetMixer1FGKeyInputSelectEntry instead.
extern NTV2_DEPRECATED_v(const NTV2RoutingEntry Mixer1FGVidInputSelectEntry); ///< @deprecated Use GetMixer1FGVidInputSelectEntry instead.
extern NTV2_DEPRECATED_v(const NTV2RoutingEntry Mixer2BGKeyInputSelectEntry); ///< @deprecated Use GetMixer2BGKeyInputSelectEntry instead.
extern NTV2_DEPRECATED_v(const NTV2RoutingEntry Mixer2BGVidInputSelectEntry); ///< @deprecated Use GetMixer2BGVidInputSelectEntry instead.
extern NTV2_DEPRECATED_v(const NTV2RoutingEntry Mixer2FGKeyInputSelectEntry); ///< @deprecated Use GetMixer2FGKeyInputSelectEntry instead.
extern NTV2_DEPRECATED_v(const NTV2RoutingEntry Mixer2FGVidInputSelectEntry); ///< @deprecated Use GetMixer2FGVidInputSelectEntry instead.
extern NTV2_DEPRECATED_v(const NTV2RoutingEntry Mixer3BGKeyInputSelectEntry); ///< @deprecated Use GetMixer3BGKeyInputSelectEntry instead.
extern NTV2_DEPRECATED_v(const NTV2RoutingEntry Mixer3BGVidInputSelectEntry); ///< @deprecated Use GetMixer3BGVidInputSelectEntry instead.
extern NTV2_DEPRECATED_v(const NTV2RoutingEntry Mixer3FGKeyInputSelectEntry); ///< @deprecated Use GetMixer3FGKeyInputSelectEntry instead.
extern NTV2_DEPRECATED_v(const NTV2RoutingEntry Mixer3FGVidInputSelectEntry); ///< @deprecated Use GetMixer3FGVidInputSelectEntry instead.
extern NTV2_DEPRECATED_v(const NTV2RoutingEntry Mixer4BGKeyInputSelectEntry); ///< @deprecated Use GetMixer4BGKeyInputSelectEntry instead.
extern NTV2_DEPRECATED_v(const NTV2RoutingEntry Mixer4BGVidInputSelectEntry); ///< @deprecated Use GetMixer4BGVidInputSelectEntry instead.
extern NTV2_DEPRECATED_v(const NTV2RoutingEntry Mixer4FGKeyInputSelectEntry); ///< @deprecated Use GetMixer4FGKeyInputSelectEntry instead.
extern NTV2_DEPRECATED_v(const NTV2RoutingEntry Mixer4FGVidInputSelectEntry); ///< @deprecated Use GetMixer4FGVidInputSelectEntry instead.
extern NTV2_DEPRECATED_v(const NTV2RoutingEntry Xpt4KDCQ1InputSelectEntry); ///< @deprecated Use GetXpt4KDCQ1InputSelectEntry instead.
extern NTV2_DEPRECATED_v(const NTV2RoutingEntry Xpt4KDCQ2InputSelectEntry); ///< @deprecated Use GetXpt4KDCQ2InputSelectEntry instead.
extern NTV2_DEPRECATED_v(const NTV2RoutingEntry Xpt4KDCQ3InputSelectEntry); ///< @deprecated Use GetXpt4KDCQ3InputSelectEntry instead.
extern NTV2_DEPRECATED_v(const NTV2RoutingEntry Xpt4KDCQ4InputSelectEntry); ///< @deprecated Use GetXpt4KDCQ4InputSelectEntry instead.
extern NTV2_DEPRECATED_v(const NTV2RoutingEntry HDMIOutQ1InputSelectEntry); ///< @deprecated Use GetHDMIOutQ1InputSelectEntry instead.
extern NTV2_DEPRECATED_v(const NTV2RoutingEntry HDMIOutQ2InputSelectEntry); ///< @deprecated Use GetHDMIOutQ2InputSelectEntry instead.
extern NTV2_DEPRECATED_v(const NTV2RoutingEntry HDMIOutQ3InputSelectEntry); ///< @deprecated Use GetHDMIOutQ3InputSelectEntry instead.
extern NTV2_DEPRECATED_v(const NTV2RoutingEntry HDMIOutQ4InputSelectEntry); ///< @deprecated Use GetHDMIOutQ4InputSelectEntry instead.
extern NTV2_DEPRECATED_v(const NTV2RoutingEntry CompressionModInputSelectEntry); ///< @deprecated Use GetCompressionModInputSelectEntry instead.
extern NTV2_DEPRECATED_v(const NTV2RoutingEntry ConversionModInputSelectEntry); ///< @deprecated Use GetConversionModInputSelectEntry instead.
extern NTV2_DEPRECATED_v(const NTV2RoutingEntry CSC1KeyFromInput2SelectEntry); ///< @deprecated Use GetCSC1KeyFromInput2SelectEntry instead.
extern NTV2_DEPRECATED_v(const NTV2RoutingEntry FrameSync2InputSelectEntry); ///< @deprecated Use GetFrameSync2InputSelectEntry instead.
extern NTV2_DEPRECATED_v(const NTV2RoutingEntry FrameSync1InputSelectEntry); ///< @deprecated Use GetFrameSync1InputSelectEntry instead.
extern NTV2_DEPRECATED_v(const NTV2RoutingEntry AnalogOutInputSelectEntry); ///< @deprecated Use GetAnalogOutInputSelectEntry instead.
extern NTV2_DEPRECATED_v(const NTV2RoutingEntry ProAmpInputSelectEntry); ///< @deprecated Use GetProAmpInputSelectEntry instead.
extern NTV2_DEPRECATED_v(const NTV2RoutingEntry IICT1InputSelectEntry); ///< @deprecated Use GetIICT1InputSelectEntry instead.
extern NTV2_DEPRECATED_v(const NTV2RoutingEntry WaterMarker1InputSelectEntry); ///< @deprecated Use GetWaterMarker1InputSelectEntry instead.
extern NTV2_DEPRECATED_v(const NTV2RoutingEntry WaterMarker2InputSelectEntry); ///< @deprecated Use GetWaterMarker2InputSelectEntry instead.
extern NTV2_DEPRECATED_v(const NTV2RoutingEntry UpdateRegisterSelectEntry); ///< @deprecated Use GetUpdateRegisterSelectEntry instead.
extern NTV2_DEPRECATED_v(const NTV2RoutingEntry ConversionMod2InputSelectEntry); ///< @deprecated Use GetConversionMod2InputSelectEntry instead.
extern NTV2_DEPRECATED_v(const NTV2RoutingEntry HDMIOutInputSelectEntry); ///< @deprecated Use GetHDMIOutInputSelectEntry instead.
extern NTV2_DEPRECATED_v(const NTV2RoutingEntry IICT2InputSelectEntry); ///< @deprecated Use GetIICT2InputSelectEntry instead.
extern NTV2_DEPRECATED_v(const NTV2RoutingEntry AnalogOutCompositeOutSelectEntry); ///< @deprecated Use GetAnalogOutCompositeOutSelectEntry instead.
extern NTV2_DEPRECATED_v(const NTV2RoutingEntry StereoLeftInputSelectEntry); ///< @deprecated Use GetStereoLeftInputSelectEntry instead.
extern NTV2_DEPRECATED_v(const NTV2RoutingEntry StereoRightInputSelectEntry); ///< @deprecated Use GetStereoRightInputSelectEntry instead.
#endif // !defined (NTV2_DEPRECATE)