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/* SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT */
@file ntv2bitfile.h
@brief Declares the CNTV2Bitfile class.
@copyright (C) 2010-2021 AJA Video Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.
#include <fstream>
#ifdef AJALinux
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "ajatypes.h"
#include "ajaexport.h"
#include "ntv2enums.h"
#include "ntv2publicinterface.h"
#include "ntv2utils.h"
@brief Knows how to extract information from a bitfile header.
class AJAExport NTV2BitfileHeaderParser
explicit NTV2BitfileHeaderParser () {Clear();}
bool ParseHeader (const NTV2_POINTER & inHdrBuffer,
std::ostream & outMsgs);
void Clear (void);
inline ULWord UserID (void) const {return mUserID;}
inline const std::string & Date (void) const {return mDate;}
inline const std::string & Time (void) const {return mTime;}
inline const std::string & PartName (void) const {return mPartName;}
inline const std::string & RawDesign (void) const {return mRawDesignName;}
std::string DesignName (void) const;
inline ULWord DesignID (void) const {return mDesignID;}
inline ULWord DesignVersion (void) const {return mDesignVersion;}
inline ULWord BitfileID (void) const {return mBitfileID;}
inline ULWord BitfileVersion (void) const {return mBitfileVersion;}
inline ULWord ProgramOffsetBytes (void) const {return mProgOffsetBytes;}
inline ULWord ProgramSizeBytes (void) const {return mProgSizeBytes;}
inline bool IsValid (void) const {return mValid;}
inline bool IsTandem (void) const {return RawDesign().find("TANDEM=TRUE") != std::string::npos;}
inline bool IsPartial (void) const {return RawDesign().find("PARTIAL=TRUE") != std::string::npos;}
inline bool IsClear (void) const {return RawDesign().find("CLEAR=TRUE") != std::string::npos;}
inline bool IsCompress (void) const {return RawDesign().find("COMPRESS=TRUE") != std::string::npos;}
public: // Class Methods
static inline ULWord GetDesignID (const ULWord userID) { return (userID & 0xff000000) >> 24; }
static inline ULWord GetDesignVersion (const ULWord userID) { return (userID & 0x00ff0000) >> 16; }
static inline ULWord GetBitfileID (const ULWord userID) { return (userID & 0x0000ff00) >> 8; }
static inline ULWord GetBitfileVersion (const ULWord userID) { return (userID & 0x000000ff) >> 0; }
bool SetRawDesign (const std::string & inStr, std::ostream & oss);
bool SetDate (const std::string & inStr, std::ostream & oss);
bool SetTime (const std::string & inStr, std::ostream & oss);
inline void SetPartName (const std::string & inStr) {mPartName = inStr;}
bool SetProgramOffsetBytes (const ULWord inValue, std::ostream & oss);
bool SetProgramSizeBytes (const ULWord inValue, std::ostream & oss);
std::string mDate; // Compile/build date
std::string mTime; // Compile/build time
std::string mPartName; // Part name
std::string mRawDesignName; // Untruncated, unmodified design string
ULWord mUserID; // User ID
ULWord mProgOffsetBytes; // Program offset, in bytes
ULWord mProgSizeBytes; // Program length, in bytes
ULWord mDesignID; // Design ID
ULWord mDesignVersion; // Design version
ULWord mBitfileID; // Bitfile ID
ULWord mBitfileVersion; // Bitfile version
bool mValid; // Is valid?
}; // NTV2BitfileHeaderParser
@brief Instances of me can parse a bitfile.
class AJAExport CNTV2Bitfile
@brief My constructor.
CNTV2Bitfile ();
@brief My destructor.
virtual ~CNTV2Bitfile ();
@brief Opens the bitfile at the given path, then parses its header.
@param[in] inBitfilePath Specifies the path name of the bitfile to be parsed.
@return True if open & parse succeeds; otherwise false.
virtual bool Open (const std::string & inBitfilePath);
#if !defined (NTV2_DEPRECATE)
virtual NTV2_DEPRECATED_f(bool Open (const char * const & inBitfilePath)); ///< @deprecated Use the std::string version of Open instead.
#endif // !defined (NTV2_DEPRECATE)
@brief Closes bitfile (if open) and resets me.
virtual void Close (void);
@brief Parse a bitfile header that's stored in a buffer.
@param[in] inBitfileBuffer Specifies the buffer of the bitfile to be parsed.
@param[in] inBufferSize Specifies the size of the buffer to be parsed.
@return A std::string containing parsing errors. It will be empty if successful.
virtual std::string ParseHeaderFromBuffer (const uint8_t* inBitfileBuffer, const size_t inBufferSize);
@brief Parse a bitfile header that's stored in a buffer.
@param[in] inBitfileBuffer Specifies the buffer of the bitfile to be parsed.
@return A std::string containing parsing errors. It will be empty if successful.
virtual std::string ParseHeaderFromBuffer (const NTV2_POINTER & inBitfileBuffer);
@return A string containing the extracted bitfile build date.
virtual inline const std::string & GetDate (void) const {return mHeaderParser.Date();}
@return A string containing the extracted bitfile build time.
virtual inline const std::string & GetTime (void) const {return mHeaderParser.Time();}
@return A string containing the extracted bitfile design name.
virtual inline std::string GetDesignName (void) const {return mHeaderParser.DesignName();}
@return A string containing the extracted bitfile part name.
virtual inline const std::string & GetPartName (void) const {return mHeaderParser.PartName();}
@return A string containing the error message, if any, from the last function that could fail.
virtual inline const std::string & GetLastError (void) const { return mLastError; }
@return True if the bitfile header includes tandem flag; otherwise false.
virtual inline bool IsTandem (void) const {return mHeaderParser.IsTandem();}
@return True if the bitfile header includes partial flag; otherwise false.
virtual inline bool IsPartial (void) const {return mHeaderParser.IsPartial();}
@return True if the bitfile header includes clear flag; otherwise false.
virtual inline bool IsClear (void) const {return mHeaderParser.IsClear();}
@return True if the bitfile header includes compress flag; otherwise false.
virtual inline bool IsCompress (void) const {return mHeaderParser.IsCompress();}
@return A ULWord containing the design design ID as extracted from the bitfile.
virtual inline ULWord GetDesignID (void) const {return mHeaderParser.DesignID();}
@return A ULWord containing the design version as extracted from the bitfile.
virtual inline ULWord GetDesignVersion (void) const {return mHeaderParser.DesignVersion();}
@return A ULWord containing the design ID as extracted from the bitfile.
virtual inline ULWord GetBitfileID (void) const {return mHeaderParser.BitfileID();}
@return A ULWord containing the design version as extracted from the bitfile.
virtual inline ULWord GetBitfileVersion (void) const {return mHeaderParser.BitfileVersion();}
@brief Answers with the design user ID, as extracted from the bitfile.
@return A ULWord containing the design user ID.
virtual inline ULWord GetUserID (void) const {return mHeaderParser.UserID();}
@return True if the bitfile can be flashed onto the device; otherwise false.
virtual bool CanFlashDevice (const NTV2DeviceID inDeviceID) const;
@return My instrinsic NTV2DeviceID.
virtual NTV2DeviceID GetDeviceID (void) const;
@return Program stream length in bytes, or zero if error/invalid.
virtual inline size_t GetProgramStreamLength (void) const {return mReady ? size_t(mHeaderParser.ProgramSizeBytes()) : 0;}
@return File stream length in bytes, or zero if error/invalid.
virtual inline size_t GetFileStreamLength (void) const {return mReady ? mFileSize : 0;}
@brief Retrieves the program bitstream.
@param[out] outBuffer Specifies the buffer that will receive the data. This method will Allocate
storage if IsNULL or IsAllocatedBySDK.
@return Number of bytes copied to the outBuffer, or zero upon failure.
virtual size_t GetProgramByteStream (NTV2_POINTER & outBuffer);
@brief Retrieves the file bitstream.
@param[out] outBuffer Specifies the buffer that will receive the data. This method will Allocate
storage if IsNULL or IsAllocatedBySDK.
@return Number of bytes copied to the outBuffer, or zero upon failure.
virtual size_t GetFileByteStream (NTV2_POINTER & outBuffer);
public: // Class Methods
static NTV2DeviceID ConvertToDeviceID (const ULWord inDesignID, const ULWord inBitfileID);
static ULWord ConvertToDesignID (const NTV2DeviceID inDeviceID);
static ULWord ConvertToBitfileID (const NTV2DeviceID inDeviceID);
static std::string GetPrimaryHardwareDesignName (const NTV2DeviceID inDeviceID);
static NTV2DeviceID GetDeviceIDFromHardwareDesignName (const std::string & inDesignName);
protected: // Protected Methods
virtual void SetLastError (const std::string & inStr, const bool inAppend = false);
private: // Private Member Data
std::ifstream mFileStream; // Binary input filestream
NTV2_POINTER mHeaderBuffer; // Header buffer in use
NTV2BitfileHeaderParser mHeaderParser; // Header parser (and state info)
std::string mLastError; // Last error message
size_t mFileSize; // Bitfile size, in bytes
bool mReady; // Ready?
}; // CNTV2Bitfile
#endif // NTV2BITFILE_H