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/* SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT */
@file ntv2rp188.h
@brief Declares the CRP188 class. See SMPTE RP188 standard for details.
@copyright (C) 2007-2021 AJA Video Systems, Inc.
#ifndef __NTV2_RP188_
#define __NTV2_RP188_
#include <string>
#include <sstream>
#include "ajaexport.h"
#include "ajatypes.h"
#include "ntv2enums.h"
#include "ntv2videodefines.h"
#include "ntv2publicinterface.h"
#if defined(AJALinux)
# include <stdlib.h> /* malloc/free */
# include <string.h> /* memset, memcpy */
typedef enum
} TimecodeFormat;
typedef enum
kTCBurnTimecode, // display current timecode
kTCBurnUserBits, // display current user bits
kTCBurnFrameCount, // display current frame count
kTCBurnBlank // display --:--:--:--
} TimecodeBurnMode;
const int64_t kDefaultFrameCount = 0x80000000;
// class CRP188
class AJAExport CRP188
// Constructors
CRP188 ();
CRP188 (const RP188_STRUCT & rp188, const TimecodeFormat tcFormat = kTCFormat30fps);
CRP188 (const NTV2_RP188 & rp188, const TimecodeFormat tcFormat = kTCFormat30fps);
CRP188 (const std::string & sRP188, const TimecodeFormat tcFormat = kTCFormat30fps);
CRP188 (ULWord ulFrms, ULWord ulSecs, ULWord ulMins, ULWord ulHrs, const TimecodeFormat tcFormat = kTCFormat30fps);
CRP188 (ULWord frames, const TimecodeFormat tcFormat = kTCFormat30fps);
virtual ~CRP188();
void Init ();
bool operator==( const CRP188& s);
// Setters
void SetRP188 (ULWord ulFrms, ULWord ulSecs, ULWord ulMins, ULWord ulHrs,
NTV2FrameRate frameRate, const bool bDropFrame = false, const bool bSMPTE372 = false);
void SetRP188 (const RP188_STRUCT & rp188, const TimecodeFormat tcFormat = kTCFormatUnknown);
void SetRP188 (const NTV2_RP188 & rp188, const TimecodeFormat tcFormat = kTCFormatUnknown);
void SetRP188 (const std::string &sRP188, const TimecodeFormat tcFormat = kTCFormatUnknown);
void SetRP188 (ULWord ulFrms, ULWord ulSecs, ULWord ulMins, ULWord ulHrs, const TimecodeFormat tcFormat = kTCFormatUnknown);
void SetRP188 (ULWord frames, const TimecodeFormat tcFormat = kTCFormatUnknown);
void SetDropFrame (bool bDropFrameFlag);
void SetColorFrame (bool bColorFrameFlag);
void SetVaricamFrameActive (bool bVaricamActive, ULWord frame);
void SetVaricamRate (NTV2FrameRate frameRate);
void SetFieldID (ULWord fieldID);
bool GetFieldID (void);
void SetBFGBits (bool bBFG0, bool bBFG1, bool bBFG2);
void SetSource (UByte src);
void SetOutputFilter (UByte src);
// Getters
bool GetRP188Str (std::string & sRP188) const;
const char * GetRP188CString () const;
bool GetRP188Secs (ULWord & ulSecs) const;
bool GetRP188Frms (ULWord & ulFrms) const;
bool GetRP188Mins (ULWord & ulMins) const;
bool GetRP188Hrs (ULWord & ulHrs) const;
bool GetRP188Reg (RP188_STRUCT & outRP188) const;
bool GetRP188Reg (NTV2_RP188 & outRP188) const;
bool GetFrameCount (ULWord & frameCount);
ULWord MaxFramesPerDay (TimecodeFormat format = kTCFormatUnknown) const;
void ConvertTimecode (ULWord & frameCount, TimecodeFormat format, ULWord hours, ULWord minutes, ULWord seconds, ULWord frames);
void ConvertFrameCount (ULWord frameCount, TimecodeFormat format, ULWord & hours, ULWord & minutes, ULWord & seconds, ULWord & frames);
ULWord AddFrames (ULWord frameCount);
ULWord SubtractFrames (ULWord frameCount);
bool GetRP188UserBitsStr (std::string & sRP188UB);
const char * GetRP188UserBitsCString ();
UByte GetSource () const ;
UByte GetOutputFilter () const ;
TimecodeFormat GetTimecodeFormat() { return _tcFormat; }
// these tests are ONLY valid if the CRP188 object is instantiated or set with an RP188_STRUCT
bool IsFreshRP188 (void)
{ return(_bFresh); } // true if RP188 data is fresh this past frame
bool VaricamFrame0 (void)
{ return(_bVaricamActiveF0); } // true if Varicam "Frame0 Active" bit is set
bool VaricamFrame1 (void)
{ return(_bVaricamActiveF1); } // true if Varicam "Frame1 Active" bit is set
ULWord VaricamFrameRate (void);
NTV2FrameRate defaultFrameRateForTimecodeFormat (TimecodeFormat format = kTCFormatUnknown) const;
bool FormatIsDropFrame (TimecodeFormat format = kTCFormatUnknown) const;
bool FormatIs60_50fps (TimecodeFormat format = kTCFormatUnknown) const;
bool FormatIsPAL (TimecodeFormat format = kTCFormatUnknown) const;
ULWord FieldID (void)
{ return(_fieldID); } // fieldID bit
bool DropFrame (void)
{ return(_bDropFrameFlag); } // drop frame bit
bool ColorFrame (void)
{ return(_bColorFrameFlag); } // color frame bit
ULWord BinaryGroup (ULWord smpteNum);
// For historical reasons, calling SetRP188 clears the user bits, so a call to either of these two functions
// should be done after the timecode value is set
bool SetBinaryGroup (ULWord smpteNum, ULWord bits);
bool SetUserBits (ULWord bits); // eight groups of four bits each
ULWord UDW (ULWord smpteUDW);
ULWord FramesPerSecond (TimecodeFormat format = kTCFormatUnknown) const;
NTV2FrameRate DefaultFrameRateForTimecodeFormat (TimecodeFormat format = kTCFormatUnknown) const;
// Modifiers
bool InitBurnIn (NTV2FrameBufferFormat frameBufferFormat, NTV2FrameDimensions frameDimensions, LWord percentY = 0);
void writeV210Pixel (char **pBytePtr, int x, int c, int y);
bool BurnTC (char *pBaseVideoAddress, int rowBytes, TimecodeBurnMode burnMode, int64_t frameCount = kDefaultFrameCount, bool bDisplay60_50fpsAs30_25 = false);
void CopyDigit (char *pDigit, int digitWidth, int digitHeight, char *pFrameBuff, int fbRowBytes);
std::string GetTimeCodeString(bool bDisplay60_50fpsAs30_25 = false);
void ConvertTcStrToVal (void); // converts _sHMSF to _ulVal
void ConvertTcStrToReg (void); // converts _sHMSF to _rp188
void RP188ToUserBits (void); // derives _ulUserBits and _sUserBits from RP188 struct
TimecodeFormat _tcFormat; // fps, drop- or non-drop frame
bool _bInitialized; // if constructed with no args, set to false
bool _bFresh; // true if hardware told us this was new ANC data (not just what was lying around in the registers)
//bool _bDropFrame; // we have to be told whether we are df or ndf
//bool _b50Hz; // if true, interpret FieldID and Binary Group Flags per 50 Hz spec
// RP188 user bits
bool _bVaricamActiveF0; // Varicam "Active Frame 0" user bit flag
bool _bVaricamActiveF1; // Varicam "Active Frame 1" user bit flag
ULWord _fieldID; // FieldID bit: '0' or '1'
bool _bDropFrameFlag; // Drop Frame bit: '0' or '1'
bool _bColorFrameFlag; // Color Frame bit: '0' or '1'
ULWord _varicamRate; // Varicam rate expressed as bits [0..3] 1 units, bits [4..7] tens unit.
std::string _sHMSF; // hour:minute:second:frame in string format
std::string _sUserBits; // Binary Groups 8-1 in string format
ULWord _ulVal[4]; // [0]=frame, [1]=seconds, etc.
ULWord _ulUserBits[8]; // [0] = Binary Group 1, [1] = Binary Group 2, etc. (note: SMPTE labels them 1 - 8)
RP188_STRUCT _rp188; // AJA native format
bool _bRendered; // set 'true' when Burn-In character map has been rendered
char * _pCharRenderMap; // ptr to rendered Burn-In character set
NTV2FrameBufferFormat _charRenderFBF; // frame buffer format of rendered characters
ULWord _charRenderHeight; // frame height for which rendered characters were rendered
ULWord _charRenderWidth; // frame width for which rendered characters were rendered
int _charWidthBytes; // rendered character width in bytes
int _charHeightLines; // rendered character height in frame lines
int _charPositionX; // offset (in bytes) from left side of screen to first burn-in character
int _charPositionY; // offset (in lines) from top of screen to top of burn-in characters
}; // CRP188
@brief Prints the given CRP188's contents into the given output stream.
@param outputStream The stream into which the human-readable timecode will be written.
@param[in] inObj Specifies the CRP188 instance to be streamed.
@return The ostream that was specified.
AJAExport std::ostream & operator << (std::ostream & outputStream, const CRP188 & inObj);
#endif // __NTV2_RP188_