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/* SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT */
@file ntv2config2022.h
@brief Declares the CNTV2Config2022 class.
@copyright (C) 2014-2021 AJA Video Systems, Inc.
#ifndef NTV2_2022CONFIG_H
#define NTV2_2022CONFIG_H
#include "ntv2card.h"
#include "ntv2enums.h"
#include "ntv2registers2022.h"
#include "ntv2mbcontroller.h"
#include "ntv2tshelper.h"
#include <string.h>
@brief Configures a SMPTE 2022 Transmit Channel.
class AJAExport tx_2022_channel
tx_2022_channel() { init(); }
void init();
bool operator != ( const tx_2022_channel &other );
bool operator == ( const tx_2022_channel &other );
bool sfp1Enable;
bool sfp2Enable;
uint32_t sfp1LocalPort; ///< @brief Specifies the local (source) port number.
std::string sfp1RemoteIP; ///< @brief Specifies remote (destination) IP address.
uint32_t sfp1RemotePort; ///< @brief Specifies the remote (destination) port number.
uint32_t sfp2LocalPort; ///< @brief Specifies the local (source) port number.
std::string sfp2RemoteIP; ///< @brief Specifies remote (destination) IP address.
uint32_t sfp2RemotePort; ///< @brief Specifies the remote (destination) port number.
uint8_t tos; // type of service
uint8_t ttl; // time to live
uint32_t ssrc;
@brief Configures a SMPTE 2022 Receive Channel.
class AJAExport rx_2022_channel
rx_2022_channel() { init(); }
void init();
bool operator != ( const rx_2022_channel &other );
bool operator == ( const rx_2022_channel &other );
bool sfp1Enable;
bool sfp2Enable;
uint8_t sfp1RxMatch; ///< @brief Bitmap of rxMatch criteria used
std::string sfp1SourceIP; ///< @brief Specifies the source (sender) IP address (if RX_MATCH_2022_SOURCE_IP set). If it's in the multiclass range, then
/// by default, the IGMP multicast group will be joined (see CNTV2Config2022::SetIGMPDisable).
std::string sfp1DestIP; ///< @brief Specifies the destination (target) IP address (if RX_MATCH_2022_DEST_IP set)
uint32_t sfp1SourcePort; ///< @brief Specifies the source (sender) port number (if RX_MATCH_2022_SOURCE_PORT set)
uint32_t sfp1DestPort; ///< @brief Specifies the destination (target) port number (if RX_MATCH_2022_DEST_PORT set)
uint16_t sfp1Vlan; ///< @brief Specifies the VLAN TCI (if RX_MATCH_2022_VLAN set)
uint8_t sfp2RxMatch; ///< @brief Bitmap of rxMatch criteria used
std::string sfp2SourceIP; ///< @brief Specifies the source (sender) IP address (if RX_MATCH_2022_SOURCE_IP set). If it's in the multiclass range, then
/// by default, the IGMP multicast group will be joined (see CNTV2Config2022::SetIGMPDisable).
std::string sfp2DestIP; ///< @brief Specifies the destination (target) IP address (if RX_MATCH_2022_DEST_IP set)
uint32_t sfp2SourcePort; ///< @brief Specifies the source (sender) port number (if RX_MATCH_2022_SOURCE_PORT set)
uint32_t sfp2DestPort; ///< @brief Specifies the destination (target) port number (if RX_MATCH_2022_DEST_PORT set)
uint16_t sfp2Vlan; ///< @brief Specifies the VLAN TCI (if RX_MATCH_2022_VLAN set)
uint32_t ssrc; ///< @brief Specifies the SSRC identifier (if RX_MATCH_2022_SSRC set)
uint32_t playoutDelay; ///< @brief Specifies the wait time in milliseconds to SDI playout from incoming packet (0-150).
class AJAExport j2kEncoderConfig
j2kEncoderConfig() { init(); }
void init();
bool operator == ( const j2kEncoderConfig &other );
bool operator != ( const j2kEncoderConfig &other );
NTV2VideoFormat videoFormat; ///< @brief Specifies the video format for J2K encode.
uint32_t ullMode; ///< @brief Specifies the ull mode for J2K encode.
uint32_t bitDepth; ///< @brief Specifies the bit depth for J2K encode.
J2KChromaSubSampling chromaSubsamp; ///< @brief Specifies the chroma sub sampling for J2K encode.
uint32_t mbps; ///< @brief Specifies the mbits per-second for J2K encode.
J2KStreamType streamType; ///< @brief Specifies the stream type for J2K encode.
uint32_t audioChannels; ///< @brief Specifies the number of audio channels for J2K encode, a value of 0 indicates no audio.
uint32_t pmtPid; ///< @brief Specifies the PID for the PMT.
uint32_t videoPid; ///< @brief Specifies the PID for the video.
uint32_t pcrPid; ///< @brief Specifies the PID for the PCR.
uint32_t audio1Pid; ///< @brief Specifies the PID for audio 1.
class AJAExport j2kDecoderConfig
typedef enum
eProgSel_Default = eProgSel_AutoFirstProg
} eProgSelMode_t;
j2kDecoderConfig() {init();}
void init();
bool operator == ( const j2kDecoderConfig &other );
bool operator != ( const j2kDecoderConfig &other );
eProgSelMode_t selectionMode;
uint32_t programNumber;
uint32_t programPID;
uint32_t audioNumber;
class AJAExport j2kDecoderStatus
j2kDecoderStatus() {init();}
void init();
uint32_t numAvailablePrograms;
uint32_t numAvailableAudios;
std::vector<uint32_t> availableProgramNumbers;
std::vector<uint32_t> availableProgramPIDs;
std::vector<uint32_t> availableAudioPIDs;
struct s2022RxChannelStatus
uint32_t sfp1RxPackets;
uint32_t sfp1ValidRxPackets;
uint32_t sfp2RxPackets;
uint32_t sfp2ValidRxPackets;
@brief The CNTV2Config2022 class is the interface to Kona-IP network I/O using SMPTE 2022
class AJAExport CNTV2Config2022 : public CNTV2MBController
CNTV2Config2022 (CNTV2Card & device);
bool SetNetworkConfiguration(const eSFP sfp, const IPVNetConfig & netConfig);
bool GetNetworkConfiguration(const eSFP sfp, IPVNetConfig & netConfig);
bool SetNetworkConfiguration(const eSFP sfp, const std::string localIPAddress, const std::string subnetMask, const std::string gateway);
bool GetNetworkConfiguration(const eSFP sfp, std::string & localIPAddress, std::string & subnetMask, std::string & gateway);
bool DisableNetworkInterface(const eSFP sfp);
bool SetRxChannelConfiguration(const NTV2Channel channel, const rx_2022_channel & rxConfig);
bool GetRxChannelConfiguration(const NTV2Channel channel, rx_2022_channel & rxConfig);
bool SetRxChannelEnable(const NTV2Channel channel, bool enable);
bool GetRxChannelEnable(const NTV2Channel channel, bool & enabled);
bool SetTxChannelConfiguration(const NTV2Channel channel, const tx_2022_channel & txConfig);
bool GetTxChannelConfiguration(const NTV2Channel channel, tx_2022_channel & txConfig);
bool SetTxChannelEnable(const NTV2Channel channel, bool enable);
bool GetTxChannelEnable(const NTV2Channel channel, bool & enabled);
bool SetJ2KEncoderConfiguration(const NTV2Channel channel, const j2kEncoderConfig & j2kConfig);
bool GetJ2KEncoderConfiguration(const NTV2Channel channel, j2kEncoderConfig &j2kConfig);
bool SetJ2KDecoderConfiguration(const j2kDecoderConfig & j2kConfig);
bool GetJ2KDecoderConfiguration(j2kDecoderConfig &j2kConfig);
bool GetJ2KDecoderStatus(j2kDecoderStatus & j2kStatus);
bool Set2022_7_Mode(bool enable, uint32_t rx_networkPathDifferential);
bool Get2022_7_Mode(bool & enable, uint32_t & rx_networkPathDifferential);
@brief Disables the automatic (default) joining of multicast groups using IGMP, based on remote IP address for Rx Channels
@param[in] sfp Specifies SFP connector used.
@param[in] disable If true, IGMP messages will not be sent to join multicast groups
@note When Rx channels are enabled for multicast IP addresses, by default the multicast group is joined. When Rx Channels
are disabled, if the channel is the last user of the group, then the subscription to the multicast group will be ended.
When IGMP is disabled, the above actions are not performed,
bool SetIGMPDisable(eSFP sfp, bool disable);
bool GetIGMPDisable(eSFP sfp, bool & disabled);
bool SetIGMPVersion(eIGMPVersion_t version);
bool GetIGMPVersion(eIGMPVersion_t & version);
void SetBiDirectionalChannels(bool bidirectional) { _biDirectionalChannels = bidirectional;}
bool GetBiDirectionalChannels() {return _biDirectionalChannels;}
bool GetMACAddress(eSFP sfp, NTV2Stream stream, std::string remoteIP, uint32_t & hi, uint32_t & lo);
bool GetSFPMSAData(eSFP sfp, SFPMSAData & data);
bool GetLinkStatus(eSFP sfp, SFPStatus & sfpStatus);
bool Get2022ChannelRxStatus(NTV2Channel channel, s2022RxChannelStatus & status);
bool SetIPServicesControl(const bool enable, const bool forceReconfig);
bool GetIPServicesControl(bool & enable, bool & forceReconfig);
// If method returns false call this to get details
std::string getLastError();
NTV2IpError getLastErrorCode();
void ChannelSemaphoreSet(uint32_t controlReg, uint32_t baseaddr);
void ChannelSemaphoreClear(uint32_t controlReg, uint32_t baseaddr);
bool SelectRxChannel(NTV2Channel channel, eSFP sfp, uint32_t & baseAddr);
bool SelectTxChannel(NTV2Channel channel, eSFP sfp, uint32_t & baseAddr);
NTV2Stream VideoChannelToStream(const NTV2Channel channel);
NTV2Channel VideoStreamToChannel(const NTV2Stream stream);
class CNTV2ConfigTs2022 * _tstreamConfig;
eSFP GetTxLink(NTV2Channel chan);
uint32_t _numRx0Chans;
uint32_t _numRx1Chans;
uint32_t _numTx0Chans;
uint32_t _numTx1Chans;
uint32_t _numRxChans;
uint32_t _numTxChans;
bool _is2022_6;
bool _is2022_2;
bool _is2022_7;
bool _biDirectionalChannels; // logically bi-directional channels
bool _is_txTop34;
bool _isIoIp;
}; // CNTV2Config2022
#endif // NTV2_2022CONFIG_H