# The NVIDIA license does not allow any form of modification. hardening-no-bindnow # Use wildcard instead of exact path substitution, this is a M-A: same package. library-not-linked-against-libc [usr/lib*/libnvidia-pkcs11-openssl3.so.570.86.16] # The libnvidia-pkcs11-openssl3.so.* SONAME changes with every upstream # release. # These private libraries are only used (and usable) as plugins # loaded by other NVIDIA libraries with the same upstream version # (and a stable SONAME). # Therefore we do not include the SONAME in this package name to # avoid going through NEW for every new upstream release. package-name-doesnt-match-sonames libnvidia-pkcs11-openssl3-570.86.16 symbols-file-missing-build-depends-package-field