.. _exceptions ========== Exceptions ========== RepoLib throws various forms of exceptions to halt execution of code when incorrect input is detected or deviations from expected norms are encountered. .. _exc_repoerror RepoError() ----------- Repolib.RepoError() This is base exception thrown by RepoLib. All other exceptions are subclasses of this exception type. .. _exc_sourceerror SourceError() ------------- Repolib.Source.SourceError() Raised when errors result from processing within the :obj:`source_object` or one of it's subclasses. .. _exc_debparseerror DebParseError() --------------- Repolib.parsedeb.DebParseError() Raised due to problems parsing legacy Debian one-line repository lines. .. _exc_sourcefileerror SourceFileError() ----------------- Repolib.file.SourceFileError() Raised due to errors handling :ref:`file_object` objects. .. _exc_keyfileerror KeyFileError() -------------- Repolib.key.KeyFileError() Raised due to errors loading/finding key files or :ref:`key_object` objects.