push a working code
This commit is contained in:
@ -276,3 +276,135 @@ Highcharts.chart('fpsStddevVarianceChart', {
{name: 'Variance', data: variances, color: '#33FF57'}
// ===========================================================================================
// Frametime-related charts
// Calculate and render min, max, and average Frametime
const frametimeCategories = [];
const minFrametimeData = [];
const avgFrametimeData1 = [];
const maxFrametimeData = [];
frameTimeDataArrays.forEach(dataArray => {
minFrametimeData.push(calculatePercentile(dataArray.data, 1));
maxFrametimeData.push(calculatePercentile(dataArray.data, 97));
Highcharts.chart('frametimeMinMaxAvgChart', {
chart: {...commonChartOptions.chart, type: 'bar'},
title: {...commonChartOptions.title, text: 'Min/Avg/Max Frametime'},
subtitle: {...commonChartOptions.subtitle, text: 'Less is better'},
xAxis: {...commonChartOptions.xAxis, categories: frametimeCategories},
yAxis: {...commonChartOptions.yAxis, title: {text: 'Frametime (ms)', align: 'high', style: {color: '#FFFFFF'}}},
tooltip: {...commonChartOptions.tooltip, valueSuffix: ' ms', formatter: function() {return `<b>${this.series.name}</b>: ${this.y.toFixed(2)} ms`;}},
plotOptions: {bar: {dataLabels: {enabled: true, style: {color: '#FFFFFF'}, formatter: function() {return this.y.toFixed(2) + ' ms';}}}},
legend: {...commonChartOptions.legend, reversed: true, enabled: true},
series: [{name: '97th', data: maxFrametimeData, color: '#00FF00'}, {name: 'AVG', data: avgFrametimeData1, color: '#0000FF'}, {name: '1%', data: minFrametimeData, color: '#FF0000'}]
// Calculate average Frametime for each filename
const avgFrametimeData2 = frameTimeDataArrays.map(dataArray => calculateAverage(dataArray.data));
// Calculate Frametime as a percentage of the first element
const firstFrametime = avgFrametimeData2[0];
const percentageFrametimeData = avgFrametimeData2.map(frametime => (frametime / firstFrametime) * 100);
// Ensure the minimum Frametime percentage is 100%
const minFrametimePercentage = Math.min(...percentageFrametimeData);
const normalizedPercentageFrametimeData = percentageFrametimeData.map(percentage => percentage - minFrametimePercentage + 100);
// Create an array of objects to sort both categories and data together
const sortedFrametimeData = frameTimeDataArrays.map((dataArray, index) => ({
label: dataArray.label,
percentage: normalizedPercentageFrametimeData[index]
// Sort the array by percentage
sortedFrametimeData.sort((a, b) => a.percentage - b.percentage);
// Extract sorted categories and data
const sortedFrametimeCategories = sortedFrametimeData.map(item => item.label);
const sortedPercentageFrametimeData = sortedFrametimeData.map(item => item.percentage);
// Create bar chart for Frametime percentage
Highcharts.chart('frametimeAvgChart', {
chart: {...commonChartOptions.chart, type: 'bar'},
title: {...commonChartOptions.title, text: 'Avg Frametime comparison in %'},
subtitle: {...commonChartOptions.subtitle, text: 'Less is better'},
xAxis: {...commonChartOptions.xAxis, categories: sortedFrametimeCategories},
yAxis: {...commonChartOptions.yAxis, min: 95, title: {text: 'Percentage (%)', align: 'high', style: {color: '#FFFFFF'}}},
tooltip: {...commonChartOptions.tooltip, valueSuffix: ' %', formatter: function() {return `<b>${this.point.category}</b>: ${this.y.toFixed(2)} %`;}},
plotOptions: {bar: {dataLabels: {enabled: true, style: {color: '#FFFFFF'}, formatter: function() {return this.y.toFixed(2) + ' %';}}}},
legend: {enabled: false},
series: [{name: 'Frametime Percentage', data: sortedPercentageFrametimeData, colorByPoint: true, colors: colors}]
// Function to count occurrences of each Frametime value
function countFrametime(data) {
const counts = {};
data.forEach(frametime => {
const roundedFrametime = Math.round(frametime);
counts[roundedFrametime] = (counts[roundedFrametime] || 0) + 1;
let frametimeArray = Object.keys(counts).map(key => [parseInt(key), counts[key]]).sort((a, b) => a[0] - b[0]);
while (frametimeArray.length > 100) {
let minDiff = Infinity;
let minIndex = -1;
for (let i = 0; i < frametimeArray.length - 1; i++) {
const diff = frametimeArray[i + 1][0] - frametimeArray[i][0];
if (diff < minDiff) {
minDiff = diff;
minIndex = i;
frametimeArray[minIndex][1] += frametimeArray[minIndex + 1][1];
frametimeArray[minIndex][0] = (frametimeArray[minIndex][0] + frametimeArray[minIndex + 1][0]) / 2;
frametimeArray.splice(minIndex + 1, 1);
return frametimeArray;
// Calculate counts for each dataset after filtering outliers
const frametimeDensityData = frameTimeDataArrays.map(dataArray => ({name: dataArray.label, data: countFrametime(filterOutliers(dataArray.data))}));
// Create the chart
Highcharts.chart('frametimeDensityChart', {
chart: {...commonChartOptions.chart, type: 'areaspline'},
title: {...commonChartOptions.title, text: 'Frametime Density'},
xAxis: {...commonChartOptions.xAxis, title: {text: 'Frametime (ms)', style: {color: '#FFFFFF'}}, labels: {style: {color: '#FFFFFF'}}}, // Show X-axis labels in white
tooltip: {...commonChartOptions.tooltip, shared: true, formatter: function() {return `<b>${this.points[0].series.name}</b>: ${this.points[0].y} points at ~${Math.round(this.points[0].x)} ms`;}},
plotOptions: {areaspline: {fillOpacity: 0.5, marker: {enabled: false}}},
legend: {...commonChartOptions.legend, enabled: true},
series: frametimeDensityData
const frametimeSdvCategories = frameTimeDataArrays.map(dataArray => dataArray.label);
const frametimeStandardDeviations = frameTimeDataArrays.map(dataArray => calculateStandardDeviation(dataArray.data));
const frametimeVariances = frameTimeDataArrays.map(dataArray => calculateVariance(dataArray.data));
Highcharts.chart('frametimeStddevVarianceChart', {
chart: {...commonChartOptions.chart, type: 'bar'},
title: {...commonChartOptions.title, text: 'Frametime Stability'},
subtitle: {...commonChartOptions.subtitle, text: 'Measures of Frametime consistency (std. dev.) and spread (variance). Less is better.'},
xAxis: {...commonChartOptions.xAxis, categories: frametimeSdvCategories},
yAxis: {...commonChartOptions.yAxis, title: {text: 'Value', align: 'high', style: {color: '#FFFFFF'}}},
tooltip: {...commonChartOptions.tooltip, formatter: function() {return `<b>${this.series.name}</b>: ${this.y.toFixed(2)}`;}},
plotOptions: {bar: {dataLabels: {enabled: true, style: {color: '#FFFFFF'}, formatter: function() {return this.y.toFixed(2);}}}},
legend: {...commonChartOptions.legend, enabled: true},
series: [
{name: 'Std. Dev.', data: frametimeStandardDeviations, color: '#FF5733'},
{name: 'Variance', data: frametimeVariances, color: '#33FF57'}
@ -78,6 +78,10 @@
<!-- Frametime tab -->
<div class="tab-pane fade" id="frametime" role="tabpanel" aria-labelledby="frametime-tab">
<div id="frameTimeChart2" style="height:250pt;"></div>
<div id="frametimeMinMaxAvgChart" style="height:500pt;"></div>
<div id="frametimeDensityChart" style="height:250pt;"></div>
<div id="frametimeAvgChart" style="height:250pt;"></div>
<div id="frametimeStddevVarianceChart" style="height:400pt;"></div>
<!-- Summary tab -->
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