# MangoHud instructions 1. Install MangoHud overlay package to your Linux distribution appropriately. More information can be found [here](https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/MangoHud). 2. (Optional) install `Goverlay` application which allows you to configure MangoHud overlay with graphical UI. 3. Edit `~/.config/MangoHud/MangoHud.conf` with the following contents (read the in-code comments): ```ini legacy_layout=false background_alpha=0.6 round_corners=0 background_alpha=0.6 background_color=000000 font_size=24 text_color=FFFFFF position=top-left toggle_hud=Shift_R+F12 pci_dev=0:0b:00.0 table_columns=3 gpu_text=GPU gpu_stats gpu_temp cpu_text=CPU cpu_stats core_load core_bars cpu_temp io_stats io_read io_write vram vram_color=AD64C1 ram ram_color=C26693 fps gpu_name frame_timing frametime_color=00FF00 fps_limit_method=late toggle_fps_limit=Shift_L+F1 fps_limit=0 # Update to your preferred logs location here: output_folder=/home/user/mangohud_logs # Set this to maximum log duration (in seconds). It will autostop after this duration, which is useful if # you know the duration of your benchmark, otherwise set to something large, like 9999... log_duration=90 # If your application starts right into the benchmark - setting this to e.g. '10' gives game 10s to load. If you # don't want it to autostart logging the data - leave this set to '0'. autostart_log=0 # Set this to interval of how frequently logs are collected (in miliseconds). '100' is what I use, 50 provides # more data and is suitable for short benchmarks, while 200-500 is suitable for (very) long benchmarks. # # NOTE - If you are comparing Linux and Windows, then make sure this value is identical in both! # log_interval=100 toggle_logging=Shift_L+F2 ``` When you start the game, overlay should be visible. Pressing `SHIFT+F2` starts the logging and either it ends due to `log_duration` value, or can be manually stopped by pressing `SHIFT+F2` again. Note that there is an indication in overlay, where it shows big red dot, indicating that recording in progress. After recording is done, you might end up with (or without) `*-summary.csv` file. This file can be deleted. Then there is `-.csv` file - rename it to a label that you want to see in the website. Something like `Linux` or `something else` (with or without `.csv` extension) will work.