# FlightlessSomething [flightlessmango.com](https://flightlessmango.com/) website clone, written in Go. Yes, there is a lot of crappy copypasta html/css/js code. As long as it works! 🤷 # Features * Written in Go: * Fast performance * Multithreaded * Single, statically linked binary * Uses `gin` web framework * Uses `gorm` ORM (Can be easily ported to other databases) ## Features that will NOT be included * TLS/SSL/ACME - use reverse proxy (I suggest [Caddy](https://github.com/caddyserver/caddy)) # Development To run this code locally, setup `go`, open this project and run this: ```bash go run cmd/flightlesssomething/main.go -data-dir data -discord-client-id xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx -discord-client-secret xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx -discord-redirect-url '' -session-secret xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ``` Then open in browser: